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Sunday 28 August 2016

Film exposed, flayed Sek defiant, Ying Yae's boob boost

Too many secrets

Film and his mother, Lilly
Young actor Film Natgawi is apologising for his conduct after his estranged wife exposed him on social media as an errant dad who assaulted their three-month-old child.

Film, a star of the teen series Nongmai Raiborisud, went before the media with his mother last week to admit he had a secret love child with "Pear", whom he met while still at school. The couple broke up two months ago after a furtive, three-year relationship.

Their son, Porsche, is now aged two, but until Pear went public about her plight as a neglected single mum two weeks ago, Film's mother Lilly knew nothing about the child, nor that her son had married Pear.

The production house which hires Film as an actor, Broadcast Thai Television, has suspended him until he accounts for himself. After initially dodging the media, Film finally went before the cameras last week.

In a series of media interviews following up on her social media post, Pear said while Film was initially good to her, his behaviour changed when he entered the industry.

"When he started work, he visited me just once a week. I was pregnant and at home alone. I found out he was seeing someone else when I was close to term," she said.

The couple met when Film was a sixth former at school. He had broken his leg, and Pear, a tutor at the school who had recently started university, visited him at home for extra lessons. She fell pregnant and Film left home to be with her.

They married at her family’s home when the child was aged about six months, so the child would have a legal father.

His mother, Lilly, said while she had met Pear when she visited Film at home, she thought nothing of it, as he had a girlfriend at the time.

She blames herself for not paying more attention. "I was shocked when I heard the news, but am not angry with Film for staying silent," she said in tears.

Pear released a handful of social media chats with Film, and a picture of Porsche bearing bruises. While insisting she did not want to harm his career, she said she does not want other women to suffer the way she did. She is taking unspecified legal action against him.

"I couldn't go anywhere with him, as he was a teen star and didn't want to be seen with me in public. On the day he hit our child, I went to the 7-Eleven to buy some milk. I was gone too long, because when I returned I saw Film had lost his temper and struck Porsche. Film could not control his emotions when around the child, who cried constantly," she said.

"When my mother found out he had hit Porsche, she raced over. Film prostrated himself at her feet but she made him leave home for a while to come to terms with what he had done."

Film had also hit her a few times in youthful anger, though apologised later.

Asked why he did not tell his family about his secret family, Film said he was worried about his mother's feelings. He denied hitting the child at three months, though says he recalls striking him when he was about a year old, to help discipline him. "I have never seen the picture of Porsche with bruises which she aired in the media," he said.

While he and Pear have not met since they split up, he sends her 8,000-12,000 baht a month to help with the child’s expenses and pay off her car. She makes a living selling desserts on the internet.

Film said he loves Porsche and would still like to visit, a theme echoed by his mother. "I would love to hold him, as he is my grandson and he looks adorable," she said. -

2. Bee insists she was stung

Rocker Sek Loso says he would rather fight an assault case in court than pay his victim 1.5 million baht compensation as demanded.

Prosecutors last week took Sek before the Criminal Court to hear assault charges stemming from a clash with his ex-wife's personal assistant in the Ram Intra area in April.

While he was caught on camera doing it, and told the media "she had it coming", he has decided to fight the case in court. He and his co-defendant, Somchart "Chart" Poonsri, who allegedly helped in the attack, denied the charges.

Earlier, reports emerged the victim, Chanokporn or Chanokchol "Bee" Boonpeng, had demanded 1.5 million baht compensation from Sek. The rocker refused to pay, saying he would rather have his day in court.

Accepting the case, the court sent the matter to its conciliation division and freed Sek on bail of 150,000 baht.

At the time of the attack, Sek's ex-wife Wiphakorn "Kan" Sukpimai flayed him on social media for assaulting Bee.

Kan said she was horrified Sek assaulted her assistant while in the presence her younger sister, Kae, and the couple's teen daughter, Kwang. They were going out for a bite to eat when they came across Sek, who was performing a concert in the area.

She also posted an image of him kicking Bee, who was admitted to hospital with a broken left jaw, and took Kae before reporters to recount the attack.

Sek called in the media to say he had no regrets about hitting Bee, a persistent critic of his on social media.

Since the April attack Kan and Sek have reconciled, and Kan has fallen out with Bee, who helped run her fledgling music company, Luster Entertainment.

She said Bee caused trouble with her staff and helped break up her marriage. She had also left her with a 75,000 baht debt after hiring music equipment and refusing to pay the bill.

In a dramatic turnaround on her previous stance, Kan also said Bee lied about the events leading up to the assault in April. "She claimed she did not know Sek would be performing in the area, but I found evidence later which shows she lied," Kan said, accusing Bee of helping set up the incident.

Asked about the case, Sek said he would like to warn Kan not to trust people so easily.

He said he wasn’t worried about the assault charges, as he appears so often in court these days he’s used to it. -

3. Keeping abreast of fashion

Ying Yae
A well-known "pretty" presenter plans to put her new silicone breasts to good use by posing for a daring fashion spread.

Nonthaporn "Ying Yae" Theerawattanasook has gone under the cosmetic surgeon's knife a second time to have 440cc silicone implants put in, after the first ones failed to do the trick.

"I have wanted to do it for ages, as the old ones were just a bit too small. I want to be a woman with huge and beautiful boobs. When I wear a top, I want cleavage to appear," she said.

"You could barely see the old ones, but I was indulging the person who had them done ... anything would have been OK. But now I am myself again, I want a breast size which appeals to me."

In May, Ying Yae broke up with her cosmetic surgeon husband, Nopparat "Mor Song" Rattanawara, owner of the Nopparat Cosmetic Hospital in Bangkok, after three months of married life, citing differences in outlook.

Mor Song is thought to have helped Ying Yae improve her looks with cosmetic surgery.

The well-known pretty has not let the end of her marriage to the surgeon put her off the doctor's knife. Next, she would like to get liposuction done.

"Playboy has been in touch and would like me to pose for a spread," she said.

"First, I have to get fit, as I have put on too much weight. I also plan to have liposuction, though I know that can be risky, so I will try working out first.

"I really want to do a sexy modelling shoot. I am 29 and if don't get it done soon my breasts will lose their vigour."

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