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Saturday 16 April 2016

No indecent proposal, Atit'deserved beating', off the hook

Back denies forcing himself on teen

Football star Atit "Back" Daosawang is denying he attempted to force himself on a teenage girl after her mother laid a police complaint alleging indecency.

"I admit I scolded her, but claims I grabbed her arm or tried to drag her upstairs [to my bedroom] are wrong," Back wrote on social media, after the girl, a Mathayom 6 student at Assumption College in Bangkok, posted a warning about him on social media. The two met recently on Instagram.

Police in Nonthaburi on Wednesday called in Back, who plays for Muang Thong United, after the child's mother laid a complaint about the incident last Sunday.

She said Back had lured her daughter, 17, to his home and attempted to drag her up to his bedroom. She managed to flee and alerted a security guard and a friend.

Writing on Instagram, the girl said she and Back had met three times. The first time she went with friends to watch a football game after he gave her free tickets. Afterwards they went for a meal.

She met him the second time at a birthday party, and the third time they had a meal at a city department store, which ended with the incident at his home.

"People warned me about him, but I didn't listen. I thought he is on the national team [so he must be OK], and I had seen no sign his behaviour would be so bad," she wrote, calling him a "pimp in a footballer's skin".

As a warning to others, she created the Instagram account blacklistback8. The account includes news reports and excerpts from their chats on social media. At the time of writing it had gathered 9,265 followers with more than 100 posts.

On the day of the incident, the girl said she had been visiting the store when Back called and suggested they meet for a meal. After they finished, he offered to take her home, but she declined. "He was insistent, so I called my mother and they discussed it."

The girl's mother said Back confirmed he was running an errand and would drop her off. On the way home, however, he claimed he needed a shower and asked the girl to wait downstairs in his lavish home.

"He put on the fan for me but a moment later emerged asking me to come upstairs which has air con," the girl said. When she declined, he lost his temper.

She says he grabbed her hand and attempted to force her. The girl resisted and left, with Back allegedly slamming the door on her. The girl said she called a friend asking to be picked up and alerted a security guard. As she waited, Back called again and abused her.

The girl's mother said her family had called Back the next day seeking an apology, but he refused to pick up. Back's parents had since been in touch offering to bring their son around to say sorry in person. However, his ongoing social media remarks suggested he was not really repentant.

"He’s also making suggestions about the extent of his relationship with my daughter when they have only known each other three weeks," she said.

Police say the charges are too serious to be settled with an apology. Back’s team, meanwhile, says it intends punishing the football star for bringing disrepute upon them.

Police at Khlong Khoi station in Pak Kret, who received the complaint, have called in Back for questioning on Tuesday. -

Sek says woman had it coming

Sek beating his assistant

Bee in hospital
Rocker Sek Loso says his ex-wife's personal assistant deserves the beating he gave her on Wednesday night, after she criticised him on social media.

Sek opened his home to reporters yesterday to defend his conduct after his former wife, Wiphakorn "Kan" Sukpimai, launched a blistering attack on the rocker on social media.

Kan said she was horrified Sek assaulted Chanokporn "Bee" Boonpeng on Thursday night while in the company of the couple's daughter, Kwang.

She also posted an image of him kicking Bee who, reports say, was admitted to hospital with a broken jaw and bloody lip. Kan said their daughter tried to stop Sek, to no avail.

Sek admitted he hit Bee, and he's happy to pay the fine or go to court if the other side takes action. "She has criticised me once too often on social media," he said.

"She is known for defaming people and set up a hate site against me," he said, adding she had also maligned his mother's name, which he could not accept.

Sek said while he had previously laid a defamation complaint against Bee, he decided to sort out matters himself when he happened to run into her.

Bee and Kan’s sister were taking Kwang for a meal in the Ram Intra area when Sek, who was to perform a concert later that night, ran into them.

"If my daughter hadn’t been there, I would have hit her even harder," he said.

It was not the same as a man hitting a woman, he insisted, as Bee was a tom and thinks of herself as a man.

Kan, who visited Bee in hospital yesterday, has appealed to anyone of influence who can help "drag" Sek into jail.

"I have laid complaints about him in the past but they go nowhere. Is it because he is famous? In that case my family and I can only live in fear," she said.

No word was to hand on whether Bee intends to lay a police complaint. -

Aon dodges draft once again

Singer Korakot "Aon" Tunkaew is keeping his head down after telling the media he was keen to take part in this year's military conscription lottery, only to turn up with a doctor's certificate giving him an exemption.

The Star 9 runner-up has come under fire after telling reporters last week he was keen to take part in the conscription draw, after seeking an exemption on study grounds for the four previous years.

Aon turned up at his reporting station in Chiang Mai as expected, and took part in a medical check-up. Selectors exclude those who are deemed unable to serve.

Media reports say when the list of those eligible to take part in the draw was finally released, Aon's name wasn't on it, as he had quietly sought a medical exemption on the grounds he has asthma.

Netizens have asked how Aon could turn up with a medical certificate when he told reporters just the day before he was looking forward to the draw. 

"I have played a soldier in the deep South [in a soap opera] and know what it's like to make a sacrifice for the country," he said.

Contacted by reporters, his manager claimed reporters had misinterpreted his remarks.

Aon has declined to comment, and makes no mention of the conscription saga in his social media posts.

On web boards, netizens ask why he did not seek a medical exemption before if he had asthma, rather than seeking to roll over the matter each year by claiming he was busy with study.

Aon is in the second year of a degree at Rangsit University. Thai men, who must report for conscription when they turn 21, can seek a study exemption for four years before enlisting or taking part in the draw.

"Conscription season is good for Thai males, as so many discover at this time of year they have asthma," one joked.

Singer and actor Pirat “Mike” Nitipaisankul successfully applied for an exemption from conscription service the week before on the same grounds.

"It must be one of the top diseases to emerge in April every year," another joked, referring to conscription season.

"I suspect asthma is now an infectious disease," added another. "So many celebrities seem to have chest illnesses. Why not just stay home in bed?"

Meanwhile, singer Gavin Duval, of the band 3.2.1, pulled a red card when he took part in the lottery draw in Sattahip, Chon Buri. He will serve in the army for 12 months.

Gavin covered his face from the media as soldiers processed his paperwork. Declining to talk to reporters, he left promptly, media reports said.

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