Who is Mae Moo?

Saturday 9 April 2016


Chin shrugs off conscription tears

Chin, Boom
Singer and actor Chinawut "Chin" Indracusin insists he has no fear of the military, despite bursting into tears last week as he came to terms with the reality he would have to serve as a conscript for two years.

Netizens criticised Chin after he appeared before cameras at his conscription station in tears, the military having rejected his plea to get off service on medical grounds.

In a social media post, Chin insisted he cried because he was worried about his family, not because he was scared of the military. He has been assigned to an army unit starting on May 1.

"Members of my family are enlisted soldiers, so fear of life as a soldier wasn't an issue. I cried because I am worried about my mother and younger sister. I am the family's main earner," he wrote.

"I will miss out on a seven-figure income, as I will have to cancel a lot of work."

Chin failed to report on conscription day a few years ago. He believes that played a part in the military's decision to reverse an earlier assessment that he was unfit to serve. He presented an X-ray showing he wears a plate in his right arm, the legacy of a motorcycle accident 10 years ago, but it failed to sway the examiners.

"Three years ago I didn't report when he should have, and they put me on a risk list. But they had earlier moved me to the group of those fit enough to serve, after my condition failed to get any worse. This year I applied for a medical exemption again, but the doctor decided I was fit enough to train," he said.

"I have just a month to get ready. My family and I have discussed the possibility for a year, but it still came as a shock. We are together one moment, the next we are apart. I will worry about them if I can't be here. We haven't made any plans."

Meanwhile, singer and actor Pirat “Mike” Nitipaisankul also reported to conscription examiners last week, but enjoyed more luck than Chin. Mike successfully applied for an exemption on medical grounds.

"Last year I asked for a deferral on study grounds, and this year, having run out of opportunities to put it off, I applied for a medical exemption as I have asthma," he said.

Mike collapsed with breathing difficulties at a Channel 3 football game last year. 

"I first had asthma as a child but didn't notice any symptoms. I wasn't doing any exercise, just making soap operas," he said.

Mike reported at Taling Chan temple, his local conscription station. In that district, 964 young men presented for selection, 432 of whom sought a deferral. The army wanted 90 conscripts from the remainder, which it chose via a lottery-style draw.

Meanwhile, actor Kitkong "Boom" Khamkrit applied to serve in the air force for six months as an alternative to the conscription draw, having run out of chances to defer the deed.

Boom, who applied at Bampen Nuea temple in Min Buri, presented his degree to give him a discount on the time he has to serve. "I intended to enlist last year, following in the footsteps of my father and brother, who also served. But I was still busy with soap operas and sending money home for my younger sister's education," he said.

"I decided to apply this year as things are now more settled. My lakorn wraps up at the end of this month."

Another actor winning praise for enlisting is Channel 8 actor Iang Sitta, who signed up at Awut Wikasitaram temple in Bang Plat. 

"I have sought four deferrals previously, and decided to apply this year rather than chance the lottery. I have cleared up my work commitments, and join the army on May 1," he said. -

2. Dome vows to sue netizen

Actor and DJ Dome Pakorn Lum is vowing legal action after a netizen manufactured a bitter post claiming to represent the family of a man he killed in a drink and drive accident 15 years ago.

Writing at the Pantip webboard, the post's author claims to be the daughter of a man Dome killed when his Mercedes-Benz sports car ran a red light in the Lat Phrao area in 2001. Dome, who was later found with three times the legal blood-alcohol limit, hit the back of a taxi and two passengers were killed.

The post claims Dome had shown no responsibility for the accident. It also refers to a saga last year in which Dome was one of half a dozen celebrities hauled over the coals for posting social media images of them with a well-known beer brand, which flouts the law on advertising alcohol products.

A tearful Dome said the post was a fabrication as he and the victim's daughter, Nat, are actually on good terms.

Nat, who lives overseas, later wrote on social media to back his claims, while a friend of hers countered the anti-Dome claims at Pantip.

"My family and I feel very sorry about the accident but it happened a long time ago now," Dome said. "I paid my dues and have shown responsibility towards the family."

On top of the damages and hospital expenses he paid at the time, Dome said he had helped Nat's mother obtain a lease for a restaurant, and her son, who is keen on football, get a place training with the national team. "I have done all I can to help them over the years," he said.

Writing on Facebook, Nat confirmed the family holds no grudges against Dome, and said the post falsely represented their feelings. "No one knows better than those of us left behind how it feels, but we try not to think about it," she said, adding Dome was a guest at her wedding.

Dome, who was convicted and given a suspended jail term for the accident, said he could not understand why anyone would make such malicious claims. "We shouldn't play around with someone else's feelings. I will leave it to authorities to pursue the matter, but I won't let it go for sure," he said. -

Batoey thrown out of the limelight

Drama on set


Baitoey, Man
Singer and actress Suteewan "Baitoey" Thaveesin is giving buffaloes a wide berth after one threw her and a co-star off its back as they were filming a scene for a soap opera.

Baitoey and co-star Martin Angtivar Midal were sitting on a buffalo's back in a Suphan Buri field last week as they filmed a romantic scene for a Channel 8 version of the classic ghost tale, Mae
Nak, when the animal bolted.

A clip released to the media showed Baitoey initially unable to free herself, as the rope tethering the beast caught itself around her neck. 

 She slipped to the beast's belly area, before falling to the ground. Media images showed her being carted to hospital later wearing a neck brace.

Her co-star Martin tried pulling on the rope to slow the animal, without success. Martin gave up, released the rope, and came off the animal’s back. He suffered a split lip.

Speaking from her hospital bed, Baitoey said she had an uneasy feeling that day the scene would go awry.

"When the rope caught around my neck, I thought this is how someone must feel when he is being hanged," she said. "My eyes were popping out like a chicken’s."

Workers on set believe the buffalo, called Boonrawd, was overheated and stressed after a full day's filming. It bolted when it heard loud music coming from nearby.

Baitoey, who has a sore neck but is likely to recover fully, said she doesn't want to go near buffaloes again.

"I had a similar encounter as a child when a horse threw me, though that time we were riding on a beach," she said. "I hope the buffalo scenes are finished."

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