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Saturday 2 April 2016

Cash chaos, last chance, ghostly grope

Estranged couple at war

Sek, Sua
Sek Loso’s former wife has launched a blistering attack on the rocker after he claimed she is grasping for his money.

Wiphakorn "Kan" Sukpimai, who divorced Sek in a court-backed settlement in June last year, denied the claim and threatened to sue.

In a bluntly-worded social media message, Kan insisted all she has sought from Sek is the maintenance he owes under their divorce agreement, which she says comes to almost two million baht.

"You're mad! You insist on posting about how wealthy you are," she wrote.

"I have never asked you for money ... remember it! Yesterday the courts set a new date to discuss the division of our assets. You still don't have the courage to go. Why? Because you're broke!"

Apart from overdue maintenance, the pair are still arguing over the fate of a five-rai property in the Kaset Nawamin Road area, worth 70 million baht, and a townhouse in Wang Thong Lang district, with Sek apparently refusing to transfer ownership to the couple’s three children.

Earlier last week, Sek told the media he plans a trip to the United States to visit his son, Sua (Tiger), in Washington DC. He said the US embassy had granted him a visa, but asked him to take a urine test first to make sure he was clean of drugs.

In January 2012, Sek admitted himself to a detox hospital for treatment after Kan outed him as a hard drugs user on social media. He insists he has been clean since, and his drug history poses no obstacle to his travel plans.

"I went to the embassy and they asked if I had ever had trouble with drugs. I said yes, and they said I should take a urine test before they let me go," Sek said, adding he gave the sample at a hospital and it came back clean.

Sek said his son Tiger's birthday is today. Tomorrow, Sek marks his 20th anniversary in the music business. He and his two sons would celebrate in the US during his five-day trip.

Sek, who has started work on a new album, also plans a couple of concerts to mark the occasion. In remarks to reporters, he said he was paying for the concerts himself, but asked them not to portray him as wealthy, or Kan would come asking for his money.

"Don't go writing I am rich, or if I am not careful, my ex-wife will want some. You ask if she is still coming after my money. She asked my son to convey a message saying she still wants it. Never mind ... just don't talk about it!" he joked.

The remarks set off Kan's fiery response on social media in which she claimed Sek was broke. Despite being behind in maintenance, Sek recently unveiled bold plans to expand into the retail sector with branded products including a smart phone and energy drink, which he intends selling in his own 7-Eleven-style convenience stores.

Kan said the rocker seems intent on winding her up just to get a reaction.

"You want me to savage you on social media just to create some publicity," she wrote. "Can't you just get on with making a living quietly like anyone else?"

Sek has not responded to her remarks. -

Behave, or I'm outta here

Newclear, DJ Petjah
Actress Hansa "Newclear" Jungviwattanawong has forgiven her errant boyfriend after he played up at a recent wedding, but told him he can expect no more chances if he wants the relationship to last.

Newclear and her long-time love, Wichian "DJ Petjah" Kusolmanomai, are back together after she succumbed to a public appeasement ritual in which he sent flowers and dressed in a bear suit to proclaim his love.

Newclear late last month declared their six-year relationship at an end, after Petjah committed a transgression at a recent wedding.

Petjah said he was waiting for a van to pick him up and surrounded by beautiful women when he forgot himself. While neither has spelled out what took place, Newclear hints he was less than loyal, and alcohol played a part.

Petjah could not accept it was over, however, and has spent the past two weeks performing a series of stunts designed to worm himself back into her affections.

In one he sent a bunch of balloons with the words "I am sorry, I love you" to a function she was attending; in another, he sent a song proclaiming his love to a gym where she works out.
He finally met with success on his fifth attempt, when he made a surprise appearance last week before his lover at a city eatery.

He rustled up a 30-member choir to sing Thai band AB Normal's song I am Sorry, accompanied by the band's frontman, Sirisilp "Kwang" Chotvijit.

Petjah said Newclear loves AB Normal’s song, but at first thought it was just part of the evening’s entertainment.

"I have never appeased anyone like this before. It was hard work thinking up my next trick, but it worked. It was like re-entering the puppy love phase," adding he had now started thinking about marriage.

Earlier in the week, the two denied claims on social media they had manufactured the split to drum up publicity for a TV ad in which they appear.

Writing after they reunited, Newclear insists her boyfriend will have to behave from now on, or she really will call it off.

"Today I am willing to forgive and move on with this man because I love him," she wrote.
"Love is a beautiful thing, and we should take care of it, because this is a once-only. I'll end my message with this gentle threat," she joked. -

Privates 'touched up'

Mario and the poster
Heartthrob actor Mario Maurer says a movie poster showing a ghost's hand groping his crotch is an editing trick, denying claims he would resort to such "improper" conduct to drum up publicity. 

In the poster for Mario's movie Take Me Home, a collection of ghosts, obscured behind a stretchy skin-like film, are shown grasping his body. One ghoulish hand appears from the left to grab his crotch.

Asked about the poster, Mario said a friend sent him a picture of it and asked if this was the sort of thing film crews got up to these days.

"I said no, it's just an editing trick," he said.

"I have to compliment the film editor, it's a smooth job. But you shouldn't do these things in fun. Those are my private parts, and it's not appropriate."

Despite his warning to the film crew who digitally manipulated his image for the poster, he insisted he was not upset by the prank.

"They are not trying to drum up publicity, just having a bit of fun. The ghost's hand actually gripped my leg, but he moved it just a bit," he said.

The movie opens over Songkran.

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