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Saturday 23 May 2015

Family guy, Sek’s long wait, too busy for Tangmo, Annie attacks

Thaksin meets grandchildren
Thaksin and family
Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra doesn’t need any encouragement from the coup master to return to Thailand on the one-year anniversary of the military coup.

Thaksin quietly sent his private plane to Suvarnabhumi airport on Friday to scoop up his two daughters, son-in-law, and two new grandchildren for a trip to Singapore. The flight arrived on the same day as the first year anniversary of the coup which unseated the government run by his sister, Yingluck, on May 22 last year.

Social media shots showed Thaksin embracing his family at Singapore airport. Thaksin’s daughter, Pinthongta, gave birth to twin girls, Amy and Nami, early last December, and it was the first time Thaksin had met them.

Also joining the private flight were Pinthongta’s husband, real-estate businessman Nattapong Kunakornwong, and Thaksin’s other daughter, Paethongthan.

Media reports said Thaksin had bought gifts for the baby girls, including jumpers with a tiger pattern, after earlier sending a large box of presents, including tiny pink and red shoes and cotton gloves, by mail to Thailand.

Giftpack from granddad
One shot shows an overwhelmed granddad attempting to hold on to both children, wearing baby bonnets, at once. In another image he is laying one of the children to rest in a crib.

In a social media message, Thaksin said the children filled him with joy. "My daughter has sent me pictures of the children every day, so I can tell them apart," he wrote.

Earlier the same day, the man who unseated his sister’s government, ex-army chief Prayut Chan-o-cha, again challenged Thaksin to return to Thailand to face criminal charges against him. 

Earlier, Thaksin had caused discomfort for the ex-army chief, criticising his government’s record since Gen Prayut launched the coup, and alleging the Privy Council had instructed the army to seize power. -

2. The suspense is killing them

Rocker Sek Loso and his estranged wife, Wiphakorn "Kan" Sukpimai, are counting down the days until their divorce is finalised, after the pair reached a tentative settlement in court last week.

Sek and Kan, who have waged a messy battle in the media since she left the family home in October last year, agreed in the Central Juvenile and Family Court in Min Buri that, all things going well, they will reach a final divorce by June 12.

Both have welcomed the outcome of their conciliation talks, though Kan warns that Sek must abide by the conditions agreed before the judges, or the deal is off.

"We have agreed on a final divorce, though it is all dependent on whether he fulfils the conditions. If not, it’s null and void. For that reason, don’t go back on your word! If you do, they will call you gutless!" she wrote to Sek on social media.

Kan says she has 20 cases pending against Sek in court, including one stemming from an assault complaint before she left home last year. Sek later admitted to hitting her, though he said such conduct was commonplace between husband and wife.

According to the rocker, most of his legal troubles concerning Kan and her family will end if the divorce settlement holds.

He says he will persevere with two cases of his own, a defamation case concerning a doctor who treated him in hospital three years ago for his hard drugs habit, and another concerning those behind an anonymous anti-Sek website.

"All my court cases will end, except for that one with the bloody doctor, and those people behind the website. I will never give ground on them, and make sure they end up in jail, so they can’t bother ordinary folk any more," Sek declared.

Early signs are emerging, however, that Sek might have trouble keeping up his end of the deal. Kan criticised him on social media late last week, suggesting Sek was back to his old tricks of harassing her family.

"Last week Sek went to see our son Tiger at school and told him that if he speaks to the media again he will shoot his aunt and uncle dead.

"Even after we finished in court on Tuesday, he called my father and abused him.

"Dad, who is 80, has never interfered in our affairs. My father did not respond, as he knows our dispute is drawing to a close. After the divorce, we will have nothing to do with each other." -

3. Actor's feelings 'haven't changed'
Tono, Tangmo
Actor Pakin "Tono" Kumvilaisak insists his feelings for activist actress Pattarida "Tangmo" Patcharaweerapong remain the same, even though the pair have split up.

Tono announced last week he and Tangmo were now living apart, less than two years after they were engaged.

He said he packed up his belongings and went back to live with his mum about a month ago. Tono insists it was not a matter of love running its course. The two were busy with their careers, and could not spare much time for each other.

"If we came back together now everything would be just the same. We should be able to make it work again. But if both sides have given it their all but can’t change, we’d have to leave it as a matter for the future. Sometimes love is not just about feelings, but how determined we are."

Graciously, Tono took on much of the blame. "We are trying to understand each other again. I have always said any partner of mine needs to be more tolerant than most."

Tono said no third hand was involved in forcing apart, and insisted the negative press he had suffered as a result of his relationship with Tangmo had no bearing on his feelings. 

Outspoken Tangmo was a vocal presence on anti-government protest stages before last year’s coup, and is known for her sharp tongue.

The young actor was speaking after Tangmo started dropping hints the pair were apart. She changed the name of her Instagram account, put up a "Closed" sign, and thanked her supporters for following their journey to date.

"God bless you all," Tangmo, a keen Christian, wrote.

After Tono spoke out, she left a cryptic message on social media urging her fans not to over-react to the news. Below a sign saying "Open with love", she wrote: "Calm down. Life is not an easy thing. I am not joking or having a really great time." -

4. Keeping up appearances
Annie, Tekayu
Former actress Rungnapa "Annie" Brooks has taken a pot shot at the father of her son, Tekayu, claiming he likes to don a mask in public rather than take responsibility for looking after the child.

Writing on social media last week, Annie said she was raising Tekayu, who turns five this year, as a single mum, and not complaining.

However, she was upset the boy’s father was happy for her to assume the burden alone, even though he has plenty of money to support the child if he wished.

"I can raise my son myself. He’s in the third year of preschool, and enters first grade next year.

"It’s all my money. Thanks for claiming the credit last time, but actually helping with barely a thing.

"If you are not prepared to help raise your son, why not send him to a temple school, or a social welfare institution, if that’s better for someone who cares only for appearances.

"When it comes down to it, you make merit, but hope for something in return. You are wealthy but have a business heart.

"We split up five years ago but I have never let off steam. But I really can’t tolerate those who go around wearing masks. Read this, and know who you are," she wrote.

Annie does not reveal the identity of the boy’s dad in her message, though insists she knows who he is. In September 2010, Annie accused her former love, superstar Rattapoom "Film" Tokongsub, of fathering the child, then aged three months. Both sides took each other to court, reaching a settlement in late 2013.

Film dared Annie to submit the child's DNA to a paternity test if she was so sure it was him. Annie refused, and both sides took each other to court.

Under the settlement, both sides agreed not to discuss the matter further. Left unclear was the identity of the child’s father, if indeed it wasn’t Film.

Film, who helped Annie with childcare costs soon after the child was born, but denies he was the father, has yet to comment on her remarks.

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