Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 20 April 2014


Man, Pel

Pel, Baitoey
Actor and DJ Pattanapol "Man" Kunchorn Na Ayutthaya is attempting to clear his name after his co-star in a sexy movie claimed he tried to get her into bed in real life.

DJ Man, as he is also known, admits relations with his girlfriend, sexy singer Suteewan "Baitoey" Thaveesin, have come under strain since the saga unfolded over his sexy bed scene with model and actress Irin "Pel" Srikaew.

The pair acted in the drama, The Murderer Iron Box. Man’s troubles started after a clip of their sex scene, in which Man openly gropes his co-star’s breasts, was leaked to the media. Man complained the clip was too raunchy for his girlfriend, and landed him in trouble.

Pel, who has fallen out with Man since the clip appeared, said Man accused her of being behind the leak, which she denies.

She said Man also called the producers and tried to get the scene cut from the movie.

"He did it at the behest of his girlfriend. I object to the fact that she is trying to interfere in my work," Pel said.

Pel and Baitoey are on unfriendly terms, after Pel earlier accused Baitoey of pinching ideas from her songs.

As Pel came out swinging in the fuss over the clip, in remarks clearly aimed at her old foe Baitoey, Man found himself caught in the middle.

Accusing Man of taking liberties, Pel said he approached her constantly on set, wanting to hold her hand. He had also asked her into bed.

Man said he was once close to Pel, but was just joking when he suggested they spend the night at a hotel.

"No man would just come right out and ask. I think I would employ a little more artifice if I was serious about it," he retorted.

He also denied chatting up Miss Thailand World 2011 runner-up Arayha "Koko" Suparurk, after a Line exchange with her surfaced on social media.

"I asked for her number so we could talk about work," he insisted.

Man said he took responsibility for the fuss, and now knew he was wrong to accept the acting job. "Baitoey asked me why I didn’t consult her before taking on the work, but that’s as far as her involvement went."

By the end of the week the saga was still bubbling, after Pel and Koko went before the media to further stoke the row.

They insisted he had shown an interest in them romantically, and that Baitoey was manipulating him from behind the scenes. Man has yet to respond. -

Convicted fraudster Nathan Oman is in trouble again, after claiming a consumer body wanted to hire him as a presenter because it liked a bit of the "dark stuff".

Nathan last week claimed the Office of the Consumer Protection Board had sounded him out to work as a presenter — a claim promptly denied by the board's spokesman.

"They don’t want an ordinary celebrity, but one who is known for having done dark deeds," he said last week, while adding he would also like to save troubled souls, akin to the Pavena Hongsakul Foundation.

The former teen singing star is attempting to re-enter public life since serving eight months in Loei prison in 2010 for swindling more than 700,000 baht from a dessert seller.

Shortly before his conviction Nathan admitted he had spun exotic stories about himself to persuade a string of victims to part with their money.

These included claims that he was half-Nepalese, multilingual and was acting in a Hollywood blockbuster set in the Middle East about his rocky childhood and path to stardom. The film, The Prince of Red Shoe, was to star Bruce Willis, Christina Ricci and himself.

Nathan said he knew some Thais would be unhappy to hear about his spokesman venture.

"They will peck away at me for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t be Nathan Oman if people weren’t criticising me," he said.

OCPB spokesman Pairoj Kaneungsap said, contrary to Nathan’s remarks to the media, the agency had never thought of hiring him. "We are worried he is making false claims which could discredit us," he said.

Netizens are taking a lighter view of Nathan’s claims.

One message, purporting to come from his supposed co-star Bruce Willis, said: "Nathan, I miss you. Do you remember me? I hope to work with you again." -
Kotee and his Mum
Comedian Kotee Aramboy is earning praise and criticism alike for posting pictures of himself making an extravagant Songkran festival tribute to his mother.

Kotee posted a picture of himself on Instagram kneeling at his mother’s feet. He doused them in water, then took her feet and rubbed his own head with them.

"I know how hard my mother has had to walk with these feet to earn a living to raise her three children, including me," he said in an accompanying message.

Some netizens praise Kotee for celebrating Songkran the old way by pouring water on the hands and feet of his mother.

"This will help today’s youth overcome their embarrassment at having to show affection towards their parents," one said.

"Those who spend their Songkran dancing and showing off their breasts should spare a moment for what the festival used to be about — paying tribute to our old folk," said another.

One less enthusiastic reader said while he was impressed at Kotee’s show of gratitude to his mother, he was less rapt in his sideline venture as the owner of a khao man gai Thai chicken rice franchise.

"Your chicken costs too much, and isn’t tasty either," he wrote.

Another accused Kotee of trying to spin a positive image of himself. Simply prostrating himself at his mum’s feet would have been enough, and was not beyond the ability of many of today’s younger ones, even though they might prefer to spend their days splashing water.

"It wasn’t necessary to take your mother’s feet and put them on your head. Why go so over the top?"

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