Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 13 April 2014


Superstar Nadech “Barry” Kugimiya insists he is willing to serve in the military, but doctors have turned him down.

Actor Barry denies criticism that he turned up at a military conscription draw last week as a stunt, having obtained a medical certificate beforehand which claimed he was unfit to serve.

He is one of a handful of performers who sought exemption on health or study grounds during this year’s conscription round.

Barry turned up at his local conscription centre in Khon Kaen last week with a medical certificate from a Bangkok doctor who diagnosed him as suffering from asthma. Members of his fan club and the media were present.

Thai men must report for conscription when they turn 21, though they can apply for an exemption for six years if they are busy with study, or think they might qualify on health grounds. After that they must submit themselves to the lottery conscription draw.

The actor’s move took his fans by surprise, as in the previous two years Barry had applied for ordinary study exemptions rather than seeking exemption on the grounds of ill health.

Even stranger, for the past three years he has fronted a campaign urging young men to report for conscription, even though he has himself sought exemptions.

Media images showed army doctors checking a bare-chested Barry with a stethoscope. He presented them with a medical certificate, obtained from military-run Phra Mongkut Klao Hospital.

Critics asked if Barry had suddenly developed asthma and why he hadn’t sought a health exemption before. As unfriendly netizens posted images of an athletic Barry racing about on a wakeboard, playing football and trying his hand at wall-climbing, his manager was forced to come out to clear the air.
Active, despite the asthma
Denying Barry had made an under-the-table payment to secure his exemption, manager Supachai “A” Sriwichit said he had known Barry since he was at school and could attest to the fact he has asthma.

Barry had wanted to take part in the draw, he claimed, but the army’s doctors turned him down.

“Sometimes his asthma is so bad he has to go to hospital. He can’t be in a room with air con," he added. Backing him up, Barry’s fan club posted images of him using a steroidal puffer at a football game.

“Nadech chose not to seek an exemption on health grounds earlier because he was still studying, so applied for an exemption on study grounds,” A said.

The actor said he felt neither happy nor sad to have missed out. “I can always serve in other ways,” he said, donning his army presenter’s hat as he again urged youngsters to report for the conscription draw.

Barry is not the only star to seek an exemption this year. Actor Mario Maurer sought his fifth exemption when he reported to the army in Bangkok last week.

Mario, 25, has now run out of opportunities to put off the deed. “I consult my mother every year, and she says I should seek an exemption as I am busy with study and work,” he said.

Meanwhile, singer Chinawut “Chin” Indracusin is denying he tried to duck conscription, after he too sought an exemption on health grounds, after years of seeking a study deferral.

Chin said he was granted an exemption after last week presenting a medical certificate saying he was unfit to serve. Chin broke his right arm after falling off his bike eight years ago, and must wear a steel plate in his arm for life.

Chin said he didn’t know before that he could qualify on health grounds for an exemption.

“If I’m unable to do military drill exercises, I don’t know why I should have to do them,” he said frankly.

He said the army’s doctors want him to go for health checks every month to make sure he is still unfit to serve.

“If I’m chosen, I’ll have no complaints, but I do have work responsibilities. I’m the main income earner for my family.

“I have no intention of fleeing. Every young man is afraid of picking the wrong card [in the lottery draw]. If I have to serve next year we can talk about it then. I have done everything correctly under the law,” he insisted. -


Mo, husband
Actress Ameena “Mo” Pinij and her tomboy husband have fallen out after a romantic trip overseas turned sour.

Channel 7 actress Mo and her tomboy Jirachaya “Kat” Kongnimit went to Japan for a 10-day trip recently to see if they could make up. They reunited over Valentine’s Day after a frosty patch in which each admitted seeing someone else.

Mo, who opened up last week about their latest quarrel, said the romance turned bitter half way into the trip.

“On day five, an old flame called me. Kat caught wind of it, and called an old girlfriend of her own to spite me,” she said.

The two had come back together after a recent row in which Kat started seeing someone younger, while Mo was spotted at a city restaurant sharing a kiss with another tomboy. They decided to head to Japan to cement ties, but it wasn’t to be. The couple were married in Hua Hin in July last year. Mo wore a bridal dress, and Kat a suit.

“The woman with whom I was in the news last time called just to ask how I was, but Kat read too much into it. I tried to explain, but she wouldn't listen,” Mo said.

Rather than call off their trip and head home, the pair slept in separate beds for the rest of their stay. “She did her thing, and I did mine. She told me she wanted to end our relationship, but I asked her if she really meant it. We went to the trouble of getting married, and have faced down many obstacles since. I wouldn’t like to think we could quit over something so silly,” Mo said.

Now back in Bangkok, Mo says she and Kat are talking again, but neither dares bring up their most recent spat.

“I hope we can make it work. We’re both calmer now, so we will see how it goes,” Mo said.

Kat has yet to speak to the media.

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