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Sunday 26 February 2017


Tak feeling rotten after massage


Tak's botched treatment
Actress Bongkot “Tak” Khongmalai says a soldier has threatened her after she complained publicly about a botched facial treatment at a city laser and beauty clinic.

“My god, will I die?” the actress, known for making lavish merit, asked dramatically in a social media post.

Her revelation came days after recording a lengthy Facebook clip in which she claims to have spent 250,000 baht per massage at the certified clinic, which on her last visit left her with a small facial wound which has taken days to heal.

Tak, who said she has made about seven visits to the clinic, which was recommended by a friend, said the physician owner, “a hi-so type with the gift of the gab”, was initially relaxed and friendly when she went to him with an earlier problem.

She would drop in to the clinic with treats for him and his staff and was in regular contact via Line. All that ended when her massage treatment went wrong despite her having spent almost 1 million baht in all since her first visit.

Staff had suggested she try the massage treatment, in which extreme cold is applied to the skin similar to cryogenic treatment, after visiting the clinic recently for a regular body massage. The clinic was offering the skin treatment on promotion.

She had bought a course of massages at the clinic, which she admitted was expensive. “I don’t pay per visit as I don’t have a huge lump sum to play with,” she said.

“After it went wrong, I asked for a refund for that visit so I could fix the facial problem elsewhere.

“I am sure it’s a small sum compared to the huge amounts of money you must deal with,” she said, referring to the owner.

“However, the owner refused to respond to my Line message. His staff, the same group who ruined my face, called saying they were prepared to fix the problem for free, but if I wanted to go elsewhere they had nothing to offer.

“When I called the owner later, he cut me off and has made no further contact,” she said, urging the clinic to accept responsibility.

Tak said a soldier has since threatened her after she went public with her remarks, but she gave no further details.

Meanwhile, her facial wound started as a boil, but had since turned into a scab and left a dark mark on her face. She was worried she would be left with a permanent scar, as she relies on her face to make a living.

“If I go out, I have to apply foundation and make-up because my face is the first thing people look at,” she said.

“It’s like a burn but is actually caused by extreme cold. When blood is not longer circulating to the area, you are left with a condition like hypothermia.  If the cold stays too long, or is too strong, you end with ischemic tissue.

“The clinic owner no doubt thought I would be too embarrassed to go before the camera to make such a complaint, but I am willing to endure the shame for the sake of warning others.
“The owner keeps posting bubbly messages on social media as if nothing happened.”

She had asked her husband, billionaire Dtac founder Boonchai Bencharongkul, about whether to pursue legal action, but he advised against, as it could be lengthy.

“I feel rotten about it,” she said, wiping away a tear.

“These days you have to look after your own skin, as you can’t rely on doctors any more,” she said, whipping up a tomato and vegetable smoothie at the close of her clip and urging her fans to try one for the sake of their health. -

2. No pitter-patter of tiny feet

Jooy, Put
Actress Warattaya “Jooy” Nilkuha has gone to police after media outlets ran false reports claiming she was two months pregnant and seeking an abortion.

The reports were based on a “leaked” Line group chat in which Jooy’s boyfriend, DJ Puttichai “Put” Kasetsin, is said to have made her pregnant. The pair were planning a shotgun marriage or an abortion, the reports claimed.

Jooy and Put, who denied the reports when they first emerged a few weeks ago, say the culprit behind the smear has since revived them in yet another fake chat.

They have now laid a complaint with Technology Crime Suppression Division police against three websites which repeated the claims.

Put said the publicity had hurt their families and they decided enough was enough.

“We should respect each other’s rights, and we want those who follow news to read the correct stuff. I don’t want these people taking advantage of the consumer,” he said.

Jooy said the culprit seems a little unhinged. “He tried to follow my friends on Facebook. These are the actions of a disturbed mind; he could turn into a crook on social media,” she said.

“The issue here is not the pregnancy claim, but the fact the public is being hoodwinked by fake news.”   

Jooy has called on those who see the reports to alert her via social media. Police are investigating. -

3. Nok slams sicko fan

Actress Usanee “Nok” Wattana has publicly shamed a perverted fan whom she accused of sending a picture of his penis by social media.

Publishing an image of the man’s face on social media last week, Nok asked his friends and family to warn him against such behaviour after he sent the graphic image to her and a handful of other celebrities.

“If anyone knows the owner of this Instagram, please keep an eye on him,” she wrote. “It looks like he has a problem. I don’t know if he has an outlet [for his frustrations] when he has to take a picture of his private parts and send it to me and many other women by direct message.”

Nok also has a few unflattering words for her oddball fan’s equipment.

“When I see such a small, dark disgusting sight, I just want to vomit. Please keep it to yourself and your own viewing. Even if you claim it was a friend who hijacked your IG, you still have to take responsibility,” she wrote.

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