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Sunday 5 March 2017

It's payback time, balls and all, unfaithfully yours

Kao reaches agreement

Actor Jirayu "Kao" La-Ongmanee is welcoming the outcome of a legal case in which a couple who admitted defrauding him of millions of baht may have to spend a lifetime paying back the money they stole.

Kao last week unveiled details of a compromise reached with his former manager and her husband after they admitted to deceiving him and swindling his mother out of more than 10 million baht.

After dogged detective work by Kao’s lawyer, the couple, Pearchompoo Siripakdinakorn and her husband, Thaniyakiart Mahitthikup Musikul, were confronted with evidence of their fraud and admitted the charges when they appeared before the court on Feb 21.

The defendants reached a repayment plan with Kao’s lawyer. News outlets said the extent of the fraud means the couple might have to spend the rest of their days paying it back.

The case is now on hold to give the repayment plan a chance to work. The court called the parties back in June next year to hear a report on progress, or deliver judgement in the event they fail to honour the repayment deal.

Thanking his lawyer for his perseverance, Kao said he was pleased the couple were brought to account for the mischief they sowed.

The case came to light last June when Kao and his mother Koi went before the media to say they had sacked the woman who worked for him for more than 12 months.

Pearchompoo had moved in to the family home and with their consent passed herself off as his elder sister, supposedly to better manage his performing career.

Kao said he met the woman more than three years ago when she hired him to help promote a product.

Pearchompoo persuaded Koi to let her take over running Kao’s career after she argued that having his mother turn up at events would look bad.

She also persuaded Koi to go into business with her, though it quickly ran into problems. She claimed inspectors had seized the company’s books, so Koi couldn’t check them.

Pearchompoo, who asked Koi to help bail her out, also claimed she was seriously ill, for which she needed money for ‘‘expensive drugs’’ from overseas.

"She was helping my son, so I couldn’t abandon her. I had to help her pay for treatment," Koi said.

Worse, the woman started poisoning Kao’s relationship with his mother, passing on to him remarks which the mother had supposedly uttered in confidence, with the result that mother and son stopped talking.

Relatives did some digging and found the woman was in trouble with the law including facing allegations of blackmail.

When they presented Koi with the evidence, she knew she had to win her son back.

"Members of the family took him away for a talk. By the time we had reconciled she had fled," she said.

Kao said Pearchompoo asked his family to refer to her as an elder sister, as it would make working for him easier.

"She even changed her name to make it sound like mine, so the story was more believable. In fact she is not related, and I am an only child," he said.

Mother and son say the episode has taught them not to trust people so easily.  -

2. The vasectomy Guy had to have

Guy, Haru

Actor Ratchanon "Guy" Sukprakob says the 15 minutes he spent getting a vasectomy were intensely painful, though mercifully brief.

The young father of three is urging other men with families to get it done for the sake of their wives.

Guy has spoken about his experience after posting a picture outside a city vasectomy clinic, shocking his fans who did not know he was planning to get the procedure done.

"I had it done about a week ago. I did it for the sake of my family and wife Haru," he said. “I had it done at the Meechai clinic. It’s free, and takes just 15 minutes.

“I have thought about getting it done since Haru was pregnant with our third child. It’s common overseas, but Thais are scared of the pain, and worry it will rob them of their manhood," he added.

“We thought about keeping my sperm, as we are still young and might want more kids. However, we decided against. If we want more kids we can just take one in."

Actress Haru said she sought out information on the procedure for Guy.

“He said, so how is it looking? I said it’s easy. All you need is an injection in your balls! He said, What! That sounds scary," she joked.   

Guy added: “The injection wasn’t so bad. It’s just when the doctor was squeezing my testicles, looking around for a place to put the needle.

“He felt around, and finally said he’d found the spot. The next thing I knew, I felt someone had kicked me down there. It’s like being seized by cramp, it was beyond suffering. But the pain lasted just a second and it was over."

Thais ask if he is worried he has lost his manliness now he is sterile.

“I am not worried by that argument. I think three kids are enough, and want to take good care of them.

“I am not a hero; I am just taking responsibility. Assume a couple with kids breaks up, and the father has a child by someone else. He’ll have to divide his resources between looking after the new one and the ones he had before. Can he take on the earlier burden? Will they get fair treatment?"

"Men who think they have had enough kids should do it on behalf of their wives," he said. Thais have praised him for his selfless stance. -

3. Dew cheated on ex-girlfriend


Singer Thanapat "Dew" Thanakornkarn has admitted being unfaithful to his former girlfriend, after she exposed his misdeeds in a social media post tacked to both him and his new love, a TV star.

A woman who identifies herself as Lyloir on Instagram said Dew, lead singer of the group Better Weather whom she had been seeing for more than 10 years, started going out with actress Yeena “Gena’’ Salas behind her back.

“This saga teaches us there are no secrets in life. One day, the truth must come out, so don’t get complacent and think no one knows," her post says.

In the message tacked to the pair, she writes: “Only too pleased, kaaa! You don’t have to sneak around seeing each other any more. When I found out I felt tired on your behalf. Dew, you chose well. We were struggling, but once you ended up a little happier, you started looking for someone new.

“As far as Gena is concerned, you also chose well. You were secretly seeing another woman’s boyfriend even though you could have told me directly.

“I am fair. Now I know, I’m off, so we don’t have to feel uncomfortable with each other.

“I will clear the way for you, and hope you enjoy eating each other [seeing each other] in the open. I am delighted for you both and forgive you. I regret the last 10 years, but I am actually happy that I can finally stop being a buffalo [stupid].

“And just a note for those who were cheering them on or helping keep it quiet: Don’t think other people were as stupid as you are."

Gena has said nothing about the drama, but in a brief response on social media, Dew said the fault was his alone. “I am sorry for letting you down," he said.

A message on his Instagram said Dew had entered the monkhood from Feb 27 to March 15, and asks people to forgive him for his misdeeds.

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