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Sunday 19 June 2016

Burning down the house, closer to the goal, tattoo you

Marital woes mix-up

Presenter Peter Corp Dyrendal and his estranged wife are smarting after their marital woes led to an embarrassing mix-up over their house and the threat of legal action from the company they hired to sell it.

Peter filed a complaint with Thong Lor police last week after Ploy told the media he was determined to sell the family home even though she and the couple’s two young children still live in it.

"I feel as if he is burning down the home to drive us out of it," she said.

Ploy said talks on the couple’s pending divorce had made no progress. Peter had declared he wanted to sell the five-storey house in favour of something smaller, but she opposed the proposal.

"We have yet to reach an agreement on the house, but he has gone out and listed it. It’s close to the kids’ pre-school, and safety is good. A smaller place might suit him, but our two kids will grow up one day and will need the space," she said.

Stung into action, Peter laid a police complaint the next day against a real estate website which he said had advertised the sale of the house without his consent.

"I would like to know what has happened for sure. Ploy doesn't want to sell; I am the owner, and I didn't consent to the sale. The person who put up the ad is acting against the law," he said.

"I have asked police to step in because I want to prove my innocence, and give Ploy peace of mind as well. There's probably no one so cruel who would throw his wife and kids out when they have nowhere else to go," he said, adding he had not told his wife he was laying the complaint.

"If I called Ploy I am not sure if she would believe me."

The real estate firm named in Peter’s complaint, Wanvisarproperty.com, responded saying Ploy herself had listed the house with the firm two years ago.

Managing director Wanvisar Panjarongka insisted the Nonthaburi-based firm was merely following instructions.

She said Ploy had been in touch since Peter laid his complaint asking them to take down the listing. But for the past two years, she had said nothing.

"Ploy called two years ago and asked us to list the house. She didn't cancel our instructions, so we continued to list it on her behalf. I am taken aback by her request for an apology. Our business has a reputation, and we have instructed a lawyer," she said.

An embarrassed Ploy went before the media on Thursday to admit placing the ad. "I was pregnant with our first child and getting up and down the stairs was a chore. Peter and I both decided we should sell." Now she was raising the couple’s two kids, she wanted to keep the house.

Ploy, who says she listed the house with as many outlets as she could find, said the firm named in the complaint should have stayed in touch. "It re-advertised the house about a month ago, despite not having heard from me.

"I apologise to Peter for speaking ill of him," she added, while admitting she had not called her husband over the house mix-up.

Peter, who abandoned his wife and kids more than 12 months ago to make a roadshow in the provinces, has only recently resurfaced to declare he wanted a divorce. -

2. 'Manao' close to 'Thong'

Manao, Thong
Actress Sornsin "Manao" Maneewan has drawn close to football goalkeeper Kawin "Thong" Thamsatchanan, though says the pairing is not yet romantic.

Manao came forward last week after television cameras spotted her cheering the national team by the sidelines at a recent game in Bangkok.

Her friend, actress Pitchanart "May" Sakakorn, another fan of the game, had invited her to the King’s Cup final this month where Thailand beat Jordan 2-0.

May was also there to cheer star player Chanathip "Messi Jay" Songkrasin.

After a picture emerged of May tenderly mopping Jay’s face, the pair were forced to admit they are seeing each other.

Similarly, when after-match images of Manao emerged with her mother, Kawin and May clutching the King’s Cup in victory, Thais started asking if a second romantic coupling between an actress and football star had just revealed itself.

Manao admitted she is close to Kawin, though they are not yet at the stage of declaring their love.

"We are senior and junior. My family have known him a long time. When I have a close friend I take her to met him, and sometimes he comes to see me," she said.

Kawin, who also plays for the Premier League team Muang Thong United, has yet to comment on the pairing.

Manao said she had come in for some gentle-natured teasing after friends saw the images, projected on a giant screen at the game, and realised they were close.

"I was surprised to see my image appear. I was sitting in our corner and didn't think the cameraman would notice," she said.

"No matter whether we are seeing each other or are friends, if we can talk together and understand each other, I am happy. We knew each other before … I call him pee and ask his advice on many things," she added.

Asked about May’s news she is now seeing Jay, Manao said she found out at the same time as everyone else, but was not hugely surprised.

"I suspect neither wanted the news to come out, as players have to keep their senses about them for the game. When the news is big, everyone is watching, and the critics pile in. I wish them the best, and hope they don't think about any of it too much," she said.

Some Thais say May, who is eight years Jay’s senior, has latched on to Jay merely because of his fame. They ask whether the relationship can last.

Posting from South Korea last week, where she was on a six-day trip with friends, May urged Jay to disregard the critics and focus on his game. -

3. Indelibly stamped

Keng, Nay Wat Dao
Two heavily tattooed net idols with a history of trouble with the law have fallen out but asked their fans not to take sides.

Makharin Phumsaart, also known as Nay Wat Dao, declared on social media last week he had fallen out with long-time friend and former inmate Panya "Keng Laiprang" Yimumphai, 33, after he supposedly gossiped about him.

Nay, a television presenter, came to prominence in April when, in a supposed suicide attempt, he held a gun to his head on live streaming internet and pulled the trigger. 

However, he emerged with only light scratches, according to the doctors who treated him, and police said they could find no bullet at his Bang Phlat home.

They intend laying charges of unauthorised use of a weapon, or causing people distress on the internet. Nay, who is a psychiatric outpatient, apologised for the fuss.

Last week, after posting an expletive-laden message complaining he was the subject of unwelcome gossip, he tagged a message to Keng, saying it was time they went their separate ways. The message was accompanied by a picture of the pair in happier days paddling in the pool.

"From this day on we walk in different directions. We will part well, with love and respect. Each man to himself," Nay said.

"I won't argue with you, but I am asking to withdraw. The words 'we will not argue' means we are not at war."

In a later message to fans, he added: "Don't take sides ... his or mine. We are in the same bunch after all. I am withdrawing a bit so I can get over this. After that we can talk."

Keng denied he had spread gossip. "I have spoken to one person recently about whether you really meant to commit suicide. I also complained about when I was in prison once and you failed to take up some work on my behalf which I had accepted in the provinces," he said.
"We are brothers, so why listen to the other side and rush to judgement?

"I have never had a problem with my friends or juniors. If I am wrong, let me die sitting here."

Keng, also an occasional TV presenter, was arrested in January on an old drugs charge stemming from his time in jail in 2008 while serving time for robbery and attempted murder.

Earlier this month he and his wife, Saitharn ‘‘Neuy’’ Wangprasert, 18, restaged their wedding in which Keng managed to disguise the tattoo art which adorns his face. No word was to hand at the time of printing whether he and Nay had made up.

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