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Saturday 1 August 2015

Veerakan's regret, reluctant father, Pang's denial

Singha’s tragedy sinks in
Singha and his Dad
The father of musician Prachathip “Singha” Musikapong, who took his own life by jumping from the ninth floor of his city condo on Wednesday night, says he blames himself for not helping his son sooner.

Red­-shirt leader Veerakan Musikapong was speaking to the media from Chulalongkorn Hospital on Thursday where he left his son’s body, awaiting funeral rites which started yesterday at Wat Tat Thong in Bangkok.

Mr Veerakan, who turned up with his wife and other two sons, brought along Singha’s favourite set of clothes so hospital staff could dress his body in an outfit that he liked.

“It’s the first time in all these years that I have picked out clothing for my son,” he said in tears.

Mr Veerakan, also accompanied by Nattawut Saikuar, a leader of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, said his son called his mother the night before to say he had argued with his girlfriend, singer Pornpawee “Faye” Neerasingh, of the band FFK.

“I passed on word through his mother that if he could find no other way out of his problem, he should come home. But he didn’t. I feel as if I had an opportunity to save him, but I failed to grab it. I should have gone to see him that night. I blame myself,” he said.

Singha, 31, guitarist for the band Sqweez Animal, was a quiet type who rarely confided in his father. “I told him to talk to me if he ever had problems, but he didn’t want to be a burden,” he said.

He was seen entering his Thong Lor condo about 9pm on Wednesday, and his body was found on a fourth floor balcony almost two hours later.

He left a series of parting notes for friends, family and his girlfriend which have been pored over on social media by members of his fanclub looking for clues as to why he took his own life.

In a note to his girlfriend, Faye, he urged her not to think too much about his decision.

“I have wanted to go for a long time now. I have loved the best person in my life. It’s enough,” Singha wrote.

He also sent a message to his manager, Karit “Kong” Yuvaboon, apologising for letting him down.

“I am sorry for disappointing you, but the person I loved the most has left me. I just don’t want to be here any more. Please tell mum and dad and my brothers that I love them very much. My family has a problem with money. If one of us dies, it’s probably a good thing.”

Mr Nattawut said he has known Mr Veerakan’s three sons since he was a political novice.

“I regarded him [Singha] as one of my younger brothers. I recall when he visited us in prison,” he wrote on Facebook. Mr Nattawut and Singha’s father served time for terrorism-related offences.

“I told him I was exercising furiously: Boxing, and skipping rope 25,000 times a day. He turned to his mother and said: ‘Wow, uncle is so fit!’ 

His father signalled to his son that I was just joking,” Mr Nattawut added, sharing some of his lighter memories of the young man, whom he described as fun-loving, sensitive and artistic. 

Faye has said little since news broke of Singha’s death. Her close friend, Pataradanai “Koen” Setsuwan, of the now disbanded RS band K-Otic, said Faye was in low spirits, and urged fans to give her a break.

“Mum woke me to say Singha was dead,” he said. “I went to see Faye at her home. I couldn’t stop crying, as I knew how upset she would be. She’s in the lowest spirits that I have seen her in the 10 years we have known each other. Please give her space to grieve, and don’t rub it in.”

Funeral rites started yesterday. -

2. M
ike stays mum on son

Ying, Maxwell, and Sarah
Singer and actor Pirat “Mike” Nitipaisankul has yet to sign the birth certificate of his son born out of wedlock, the boy’s mother says.

Italian-Thai model Sarah Casinghini, who last year leaked news that she had given birth to Mike’s child, recently held a first birthday party for Maxwell.

Mike, who was in China making a soap opera, sent his younger sister to deliver a gift on his behalf.

Asked by reporters whether Mike had bought anything “special” for Maxwell’s birthday, Sarah said he hadn’t. She had not spoken to Mike on the child’s birthday, and nor had his young son.

Some media outlets took her remarks to be critical of Mike, which brought a quick rebuke from Mike’s sister, Ying Ploychompoo, who said Mike was doing his best.

“I contacted Sarah to ask where the birthday party was being held and delivered the present. Mike has also offered to help meet expenses of the party,” she said.

“As for claims that he didn’t go to see Maxwell on his birthday, even my parents have trouble catching up with Mike, as everyone is busy.

“There’s no dad who doesn’t love his own children, but everyone has responsibilities elsewhere.”

Mike’s older brother, Golf, also a singer, and actress Sucharat “Aom” Manaying, chimed in to support Ying. The hostile reaction prompted Sarah to clear the air, insisting reporters asked if he had bought anything “special”, and she replied truthfully that he hadn’t.

“Ying dropped in for just a second after the party had ended. She bought a present and took a picture.

“Mum and I paid for everything up-front including the venue, birthday outfit, and the design of the party.

“I have never said he doesn’t love his son. I have no reason to hold back as Mike has yet to sign the birth certificate acknowledging the child is his, which means I have sole rights over Maxwell.”

Sarah is unhappy about the cloak of silence which Mike attempted to throw over the child’s birth a year ago. He initially refused comment on her claims, and after eventually admitting he was the likely father went back on his decision not to seek a DNA test.

“I am still upset I stayed silent at the time, despite some of the misinformation flying around. I am ready to tell it all to defend my reputation and that of my family,” Sarah said.

Meanwhile, media reports say a friend of Sarah’s, identified as “Game”, is spending more time with Maxwell than his own father does, taking him to outings, swimming lessons, and even baby-sitting him.

“Don’t worry what the critics say. Any man can have a kid, but not every man can be a dad,” he wrote on social media last week. -

Singer won’t face the music

Veteran singer Prakasit “Pang” Bosuwan insists he is not the father of a newborn child, despite the mother’s claims to the contrary.

Pang came forward last week after a netizen calling herself Tonpalm Trakanta, who claims to be a friend of the mother, a student aged 21, published pictures of the child in the delivery ward and Pang’s name listed as the father. The mother herself has yet to come forward and declare her name.

The message said the mother was not asking for money, only that Pang sign the birth certificate and “do what is right”. She said Pang made the girl pregnant, but won’t admit responsibility for the child, born on June 12 at Kasemrad hospital in Saraburi.

Speaking to reporters last week, after earlier opting to stay silent when the news first broke in April, Pang admitted going out with the mother, but says a DNA test which he obtained shows he is not the dad.

Despite that, he helped her with some of the delivery expenses, and was not angry that she persists in referring to him as the father.

“Shortly after we split up, she called me to say she was pregnant. But I am sure I am not the dad, because I know about sex education and how to protect myself,” he said.

“When the news first came out a few months ago, we had agreed I wasn’t the dad.

“I told her she doesn’t have to worry about the identity of the father, as I would help take care of the child myself.”

Asked why the woman still refers to him as the father, he said it’s probably because he helped her and she likes to think of him that way.

He asked netizens to treat the matter sensitively, as it was affecting his friends and family.

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