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Sunday 30 November 2014

‘Wife’ in waiting, Amie’s past returns, Eaky lashes out

Con man's mystery gay lover
Convicted fraudster Nathan Oman claims a millionaire boyfriend has asked for his hand in "marriage", though critics who recall his exotic past as a con man are less than convinced.

Nathan, who has come out since his spell in prison for fraud a few years ago, says his male suitor is a businessman in the South involved in fixed securities. They have known each other for eight years and started seeing each other about 18 months ago.

However, he will not reveal his name, saying he needs to get the approval of the man’s family first.

The former singer, who claims to have turned his back on the troubled days of his past, says he is happy to take the mantle of "wife" in the relationship.

"I am the female half. I don’t make any moves first. He does it first to me," joked Nathan, who has made several attempts to re-enter public life since serving eight months in Loei prison in 2010 for swindling more than 700,000 baht from a market trader.

Nathan’s claims have prompted a skirmish with internet critics who say the unashamed self-publicist has made up the story about the millionaire to boost his profile.

In response to the jibes, Nathan late last week published a Line exchange with his lover, in which his admirer, whose name is obscured, urged Nathan to face down the critics.

"Fight on. Are you tired, dear? I have seen the news. Look after yourself. Never mind. I love you. As far as our marriage is concerned, you can tell the media that we’ll go ahead for sure. I promise," his lover wrote.

Naysayers are unconvinced. "Anyone can come up with a snippet of chat. All you need is two telephones and can you can chat to yourself," one sniffed.

Media interest in Nathan’s romantic life ignited after he went before reporters recently to show off a new sculptured eyebrow look. Not content with his "three-dimensional" brows, on the day he spoke out about the man in his life, Nathan also sported black sequinned leg-ins, high heels and a glittery brassiere-style top.

"One day we were lying together when he asked me if I would like to marry. I replied, 'Now?' He said he can wait for me. In fact, I am not ready, as I have nothing to offer. I will wait until I am financially better off," Nathan added, saying the couple hopes to tie the knot in the next two years.

"This would be a gay marriage, and Thai society being what it is, I need to get his family’s clearance," he said, admitting he initially ran into opposition from his suitor’s mother, which he has now overcome.

"He will have to get circumcised in line with the Muslim tradition, which I follow. He is large, which might be difficult.

"I haven’t thought about the bridal dowry, but may have to ask for an expensive one, as I am not defrauding anybody."

His male admirer owns chattels in the troubled southern region. "I am not afraid of death in the far South, but every girl needs a hubby before she dies," Nathan quipped.

Nathan said his lover wasn’t concerned about his past as a con man, as everyone deserves a second chance.

"I am not perturbed by the sceptics. I am not impervious, just used to the criticism," he said.

Shortly before his conviction Nathan admitted he had spun exotic stories about himself to persuade a string of victims to part with their money.

These included claims that he was half-Nepalese, multilingual, and was acting in a Hollywood blockbuster set in the Middle East about his rocky childhood and path to stardom.

Early this year he found himself in strife again after claiming a consumer body wanted to hire him as a presenter because it liked a bit of the "dark stuff". The Consumer Protection Board denied approaching him.

A former victim of Nathan’s says she is happy he has found love but still hopes he will pay off his debts.

Sithiporn "Mod" Kortudomporn, who sells Thai noodles at a market in Chiang Khan district, Loei, said Nathan has yet to pay back a debt of more than 700,000 baht which the court found he owes her. That debt and the fraud which surrounded it led to him being thrown in jail.

"If the news that he has found a rich partner is true, may I offer my congratulations," she said.

"I hear Nathan comes out here often, eating at fancy restaurants with his hi-so friends. But he’s never come back to pay back the money he owes. If Nathan really has money, could he come back and help?"-

2.Erotic movie comes back to haunt
Model Omsawan "Amie" Sirikittirat admits it’s her in a series of grabs on social media of a bare-breasted woman making love to a man, but says the scenes come from an erotic movie she made years ago.

She spoke out on Instagram last week after internet critics pointed to the likeness between the woman in the shots and her.

"I admitted ages ago I had appeared in erotic movies to make ends meet. I don’t know why they want to dig up my past again," wrote Amie, who was visiting Japan.

Amie last May tearfully admitted appearing in soft erotic movies four years ago, to help pay off her mother’s debts.

"I couldn’t stand to see debt collectors beating up my mother. She owed loan sharks one million baht. Our shop was wrecked, and we took shelter under a bridge," she said.

Critics had unearthed clips from her sexy B-grade movies, such as Overnight of Love, after Amie went to police in a spat with her boyfriend, tearaway Taiwanese model and singer Howard Wang, who has since been deported.

Amie was in the news again this month after accusing Howard, who she still sees, of going out with another girl.

"Every time I go to Japan there’s some drama. The first time they said I was selling my body. The second time they claimed I was making an R-rated Japanese sex movie. And now this.

"Let me speak directly. Everyone’s life has its ups and downs. Feel a touch of pity for my parents. If they die of shock after seeing the pictures, will you finally be happy?" she asked.

Howard, who has recovered from the fuss over his secret admirer, has offered his support, Amie said. "He knows what it is like. He once told me that when you are a famous, some negative types will always try to bring you down." -

3. Nice day for a white wedding
DJ and TV host Ekachai “Eaky” Euesungkomsate has lashed out at his critics after they attacked images of him wearing a bridal dress.

Eaky last week published the images, in which he strikes flamboyant showgirl-like poses in a wedding dress with a feathery train.

In some shots, he struts next to a huge wooden ball. In another image he is seated pensively, legs crossed, on a bed.

The shots were accompanied by the mysterious remark: "The reason I have not fallen back in love is my love is not ready to get serious with anyone."

Most feedback was positive, with many commending Eaky for having the courage to pose in a wedding outfit.

Some, however, say he goes too far.

"Thai society is wide open these days, but some gays still know no limits," one said.

Another said Eaky should consider the people who have been generous to his family before conducting himself in a manner which could embarrass them.

Eaky, who has admitted being gay and says it is his right as an artist to pose in women’s clothes, has now replied to his critics.

"I didn’t put the thing on your head. But if I did something to upset that narrow heart of yours, I am sorry," he wrote in response to one jibe.

"Have you ever done anything to let go? Please understand that I wore the dress as an artist. I don’t parade like that down the street.

"Do you have the right to criticise others? How about making sure you can get by first. I am 40, and old enough to think for myself.

"We can’t let the bad ones get off scot-free. Artists too have their dignity."

Eaky saves most of his ire, however, for the critic who suggested he was making his family and those who have supported his parents ashamed.

"Are you mad? My parents are happy. What about you? Are you taking care of the important ones in your life? Don’t excel only as a keyboard warrior. Your comment makes me so angry I want to go to police."

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