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Sunday 16 November 2014

Indecent proposal, Aof in line saga, Boom fires back

An actor and indie director charged with forcing students to perform an indecent act at a Chon Buri hotel insist the saga arises from a misunderstanding.

Five tertiary students from Chon Buri last Tuesday complained to Saen Suk police that actor Witit Laet, 40, and indie director Palm Rangsi, 50, tricked them into a hotel for a supposed screen test for a movie.

Their saga ended with an early morning chase through Chon Buri streets after a boyfriend of one of the young women knocked on the hotel room door, prompting Mr Witit to flee.

Both sides asked police for help and officers have now laid indecency charges against the pair. They insist the women were willing parties to what happened and only panicked when the boyfriend showed up.

In the aftermath of the incident, Mr Palm has been sacked as a co-director of an upcoming movie, Sian Sayong, which finished shooting days before the saga occurred. The producer is worried the pair’s antics will hurt its prospects at the box office and have sacked Mr Palm to ensure he cannot be linked to the production.

Mr Witit, meanwhile, has gone before the media with his lawyer to put his side of the story. He said Mr Palm had arranged the casting meeting with the young women at a local restaurant and the group was there when he turned up.

‘‘We told them that nudity was involved and that they would have to take off their clothes as part of the casting test. We carried on to a pub and the hotel in Bang Saen where we role-played a scene.’’

Two other members of the crew were present at the hotel. They showed the women an example of a typical scene on a laptop then split into two rooms.

''We asked them if they could perform a scene like that. They took off their clothes as we were acting our roles. However, we were there just five or 10 minutes when I heard the knock at the door and a commotion outside.’’

Mr Witit admits one of the women gave him oral sex as they were heading to the hotel, after Mr Palm persuaded them to perform a ''casting test’’ – taking off their lower garments – in his car.

''I didn’t ask for it and certainly didn’t force her. She asked why my belt was so hard to release and if she should take all her clothes off. These are not the remarks of someone who feels as if she is being forced,’’ he said.

''I was so excited I forgot everything, including my wife. I thought I she is bound to give me sex for sure. However, later I gathered my composure and asked if we should buy some condoms. We didn’t get to have sex in the end.’’

Mr Witit said the media had distorted the details of what happened. The students were aged 23-24, not teenagers as reported. No one discussed group sex, and just two students were left at the hotel at the time the boyfriend turned up, as the others had gone home for the night.

The actor said he suspected the saga would have ended differently had the boyfriend not turned up.

''She claims she contacted him on Line, asking for help. But I would have seen it if she did. She didn’t know he was coming. She has attempted to sheet home responsibility to us because she was worried about getting in trouble with her boyfriend,’’ he said.

He has apologised to his wife for being unfaithful and said she is sticking by him.

The students, who have also spoken to the media, say the group responded to an online casting advertisement by the pair.

Mr Palm had asked to meet the students at an eatery at 10pm. The pair told them they had been chosen from a field of 20 applicants.

 ''We thought it was just a bit of nudity, and we wouldn’t suffer any great harm,’’ one of the students, who have not been named, said.

''Witit was once a famous actor, so we thought he wouldn’t dare do anything bad. He said if we were prepared to sleep with him, an older rich figure would look after us,’’ they said.

Mr Witit admits he fled when he heard the knock at the door. ''I didn’t know who was behind it. He could have been armed.’’

He headed for a 7-11 store to wait for Mr Palm, who called 20 minutes later saying he no longer felt safe and wanted to switch hotels.

''He called again after that to say one of the students from the hotel and her boyfriend had found him and were chasing him through Chon Buri streets in their car.

''I advised him to head to the police, but he took a wrong turn into a fresh market where they were able to force him off the road.’’

When he heard from his alarmed friend, Mr Witit himself went to police for help.

The aggrieved young woman and her boyfriend had earlier contacted Chon Buri police and both sides, with police in tow, met at the fresh market, where the student refused to negotiate.

She insisted on laying a complaint. The men deny the indecency charge. -

Channel 7 star Chanapol ‘'Aof’’ Sataya is complaining to police after an impersonator on social media set up an account in his name to solicit money for gay sex.

Aof said an impersonator had created Line accounts under the name Aof 1, Aof 2 and P’ Aof and chatted up gay men on line.

''He asks for gay sex and says he wants 100,000 baht for the privilege,’’ he told Wang Thong Lang police.

''I’ve never done anything that. I set up my Line account so only my close friends and senior figures in the industry can read it.

''Society thinks I am gay. The saga has damaged my reputation,’’ he said, while maintaining he has nothing against gays.

Police have asked Aof’s lawyer to gather more evidence to back his case. Aof had brought in a screen shot of a Line chat, which was not enough to prove anyone had done wrong. -

Former Miss Thailand and actress Panadda “Boom” Wongphudee is standing up for herself after a critic claimed her breasts and backside are starting to sag.

Outspoken Boom, who also campaigns for capital punishment, admits she does not accept criticism happily.  However, nor is she just a figure of fun.

Boom, 38 spoke out on social media after a female critic said she was starting to lose her looks. ''In clothes, your breasts droop, your bottom sags…you’re fat, and pretty only in your face!’’ she wrote on Instagram.

Boom said her vital dimensions have barely changed with age, and that even in death, she will still make an impact.

''I know I am no longer a young woman. But the sight of me must really offend you if you could leave such a comment.

''As for my buttocks, I wear just 40 inches, and it’s been that way since I entered the Miss Thailand contest 14 years ago. I am now a mother to a child aged eight, and work solidly. I am trying to look after myself, but thanks for the warning.

''As far as my breasts are concerned, you have no reason to worry. Once the undertaker is finished with me and only a pile of ash remains, my breasts will still stick up so much they can poke you in the eye!’’

Boom added fans should not assume public figures are targets for them to vent their spleen.

''You might get tired at times, or stressed. I can understand that you might want to let off some steam. I forgive you. But you shouldn’t try this on with other public figures.

''We’re not some receptacle where you can dump your rubbish. We’re people just the same,’’ she said.

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