Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 10 August 2014

a finger in the pie, i don't do that, i didn't mean her

That takes the cake
Ploy and the cake
Outspoken actress Chermarn "Ploy" Boonyasak insists she has no reason to apologise, despite accusations in a media campaign against her that she bullied a reporter.

Ploy ran into trouble last week as reporters questioned her about a picture she posted on Instagram in which a woman plunges her middle finger into a birthday cake. It was accompanied by a caustic message in which Ploy asks the unnamed target to curb her gossiping habit.

"Stop gossiping and saying bad things about people and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time that remains … without envy, and by taking care of your words," Ploy wrote.

Ploy insists the intended recipient was merely a gossipy neighbour who follows her on social media. Reporters, however, wanted to know if she was actually referring to an actress whose birthday also falls at that time.

A sweetly smiling Ploy rounded on a young woman reporter who dared make the connection.

"Go on, name your source. This young reporter says she has a source. Where from? Don’t be evasive … come on, out with it. Stand in front of the camera and tell us who you talked to," she said, pulling the reporter by the arm.

The reporter, keeping her head down, refused to budge. ‘‘Of course, you won’t front. Your reporting is untrue [kao mua]!" said Ploy.

The exchange prompted a testy response from entertainment reporters, who started a campaign on social media under the "support reporter" hashtag. "Please respect us. We have a job to do," wrote one. The campaign was accompanied by the unkind message "Rest in Peace actress P", referring to Ploy.

The clip in which Ploy challenges the reporter to come forward has spurned copycats on YouTube. In one, a group of ladyboys act out the interview scene, in which the Ploy character pulls the reporter by the hair. "Kao mua!" she exclaims, making fun of Ploy’s line.

Celebrity chef and TV presenter Yingsak Jonglertjessadawong has also taken a poke at the Channel 3 actress for posting the picture of a woman plunging her finger into a birthday cake. 

"Call me a Thai whose taken up too much with farang ways if you like, but that’s just rude," Yingsak said.

"Foreigners regard the middle finger as equivalent to a penis. If you stick it in a cake, you are committing a grave insult," he said.

"Not just that, but criticising family and friends in a public forum is unwise, and educated people don’t do it," he sniffed, referring to Ploy’s birthday message.

Ploy said it wasn’t her cake, or her finger, as she merely republished a picture she found on the internet. Her message was intended for a grandmother type who claims Ploy likes to steal her friends’ lovers, which was untrue.

"I knew the media would have bad things to say about me even without seeing their stories. As I did nothing wrong, I don’t have to apologise. I simply asked what sources she relied on," she said, referring to the reporter.

"I didn’t yank her towards me … I merely pulled her arm. I don’t like reporters who try to stir up trouble. If you are bold enough to make spurious connections and encourage people to fight, you should be bold enough to present your pretty face to the camera. But she wasn’t willing to do it." -

Not for sale

Sexy actress Lakana "Oom" Wattanawongsiri is asking police for help after rumours that she sells her body took on new life in social media.

Oom and her father laid a complaint with Crime Suppression Division police last week after she was contacted by a young woman on the Line application who asked if she was interested in spending the night with a man.

"My name came up in a Line group called ST, which stands for ‘Something’, and refers to women who offer sex services," she said.

She said a man who was interested in spending the night with her approached a modelling agency which procures women for sex. The agency took the request to the Line group, which comprises six or seven agencies in the same line of business.

"The customer offered 200,000 baht if I was willing to go out to dinner as well. A woman called Fern came forward in the Line group, saying she once sent a man to me for sex, and claims I charged more than 100,000 baht.

"However, she told him I probably wasn’t interested in that kind of work any more, as I now had an older man looking after me," Oom said.

The actress said another member of the group approached her former boyfriend in Phuket, asking for her Line details.

"She lied, saying it was for modelling work, and my former boyfriend, who was none the wiser, gave her my details," said Oom.

The actress, renowned for her sexy movies, said she was upset to be accused of selling her body, and wanted police to take action against those spreading the Line rumour.

A similar drama arose in 2011 when, uninvited by Oom, a model she knows in the industry arranged for a politician admirer to meet her at a hotel, have sex and pay for the privilege. The unnamed politician was prepared to pay 500,000 baht for one night of passion.

"I have never sold my body, and nor am I a kept woman. Everything I own, I earned through hard work. I would ask the public to exercise their discretion," Oom said. -


Veteran actress Jamie Bouher says she is sorry for criticising superstar Araya "Chompoo" Hargate on social media, saying she didn’t mean to accuse her of flaunting her wealth.

Jamie, who has made two apologies in the past month for showing off too much flesh at industry functions, was in trouble again last week after she said L’Oreal was stupid for paying Chompoo big money as its presenter.

Accompanying the Instagram message was a picture of Chompoo striding on the red carpet in Cannes, where the Channel 3 actress represents the cosmetics giant.

"Why doesn’t L’Oreal ask for something back? They go to the trouble of sending her overseas and making her a big name, but on top of that they have to pay her presenter’s fee," Jamie wrote.

"Why are they so stupid? They have made her famous. They should make her pose for those shoots for free. Give her just her petrol expenses, that’s enough. She loves to show off her wealth … she takes her L’Oreal fee and spends large on brand names," she bitched.

Media reports say Jamie, realising her unprovoked attack went too far, quickly took down the message, but not before alert readers copied it to social media. While Chompoo says she has no opinion to offer on the fuss, Jamie said she didn’t mean anything personal by her remarks.

"I was just drawing a comparison between my life and hers. I didn’t mean to refer to a superstar or that brand. It was a personal thing, but I borrowed Chompoo’s story to illustrate it," she said.

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