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Sunday 8 June 2014

i'm staying, award show clanger, no touch-ups here

Model and actress Irin "Pel" Srikaew is reversing her decision to quit the industry after a torrid few weeks in which a film studio dumped her from a project in a row with another actress, and a TV presenter savaged her on screen.

Pel said last week she was ready to quit the industry after TV host Woody Milintachinda presented a one-sided, heavily edited interview in which she came across as lusting for revenge.

A week before, Perl was abruptly dumped from a ghost movie after two fellow cast members, actress Suteewan "Baitoey" Thaveesin and fellow RS Promotions actress Wanida "Gybzy" Termthanaporn took exception to her presence and threatened to withdraw from the project.

Baitoey and Gybzy say the producers of the movie, Suay Pa Sak, for Claylor Studio, invited Pel to join the cast without their knowledge.

Baitoey, who has bad blood with Pel, later followed through on her threat to leave the project, taking Gybzy with her, even after the producers had dropped Pel from the cast.

Woody invited Perl on his Modernine TV show, Woody Kert Ma Kui, last week to discuss the spat, which flared after the actresses were invited to a wardrobe fitting at the studio late last month.

When Pel arrived, the producers realised she and Baitoey were likely to clash if they met, and told Pel to wait in her car.

After making Pel wait three hours, the producers told her she had been dropped from the project at Baitoey’s request. Pel stormed into the studio to talk to the media, though the two rivals avoided meeting each other.

A day after the Woody interview portrayed her as eager to take revenge on Baitoey, Pel announced on social media she had decided to quit the industry, as she felt she had run out of friends.

Woody suffered a public backlash for the interview, in which he asked if Pel was leaching off Baitoey’s fame, and making a drama out of nothing.

Critics said Woody barely disguised his bias towards Baitoey, and being deliberately unpleasant.

A remorseful Woody went before the media on Wednesday to apologise for the way he treated Pel, saying she fell victim to a new confrontational interview format in which he inserted his own opinions into the questions.
Woody says sorry
He denied, however, trying to "assassinate" his guest on air, and asked if she was not better known now as a result of the interview.

Pel, who took sanctuary in a temple for three days after the drama at the film studio, said many friends contacted her after she threatened to quit, pleading with her not to go.

"I've decided to stay on, as brazen as that may seem. I'll hang in there for those of my fans who like me to stand up for tough women," she said. -
Nong Wan Mai, Tak
Presenter Mayura "Tak" Savetsila has apologised after a clumsy question at a live television awards show upset fans of actor Pakorn "Boy" Chatborirak.

Tak was presenting a feel-good award for family of the year at the Nine Entertain Awards last week when she asked Boy, whose family won the award, whose child he was carrying in his arms.

Boy took the stage along with his two younger brothers, his mother, and their two-year-old adopted daughter, Nong Wan Mai.

Nong Wan Mai, who has appeared often in the media since the family adopted her from a children’s home last year, has her own Facebook page and fanclub. Her popularity was lost on Tak, however, who asked Boy and his mother whose child it was — and then, when she failed to get an answer, repeated the question twice.

"Surely you can’t be mother of a child so young?" she asked Boy’s mother.

Boy and the child
Boy and his mother had just said a few words to the audience about the importance of family values and were leaving the stage when Tak dropped her clanger.

Boy, who was carrying the child, was forced to return to the microphone. "It’s my mother’s child. Nong Wan Mai is adopted," he explained.

Boy’s fans say the question was inappropriate given the family award setting, and say Tak should have done her homework.

Sting by the criticism, Tak has since apologised on Facebook, though insists she didn’t know who the child was.

"I am sorry. Nothing in the script told me who she was. I have never interviewed Boy. Nor do I follow him on Instagram. I assumed it must be a grandchild. I didn’t know Boy was to be named winner. When I saw she was such a cutie, I had to ask whose child it was."

Boy has since contacted Tak’s producer to say his family has no hard feelings about her question. "I feel a bit sorry for her. We are actually quite grateful she took an interest in our family.

Nor is Pi Tak the only one left wondering. When I take Wan Mai out and about, I'm often asked whose child she is," he said. -
Actress Bongkot "Tak" Khongmalai has a pithy response for internet critics who accuse her of resorting to computer trickery to give herself a slimmer look.

"If you don’t like me, then don’t follow my posts. Got it?" she said in a curt response to claims she had retouched pictures of herself by the side of the family swimming pool.

The pool shot
Tak says regular exercise and dieting have improved her figure.

She posted on social media pictures of herself in cutaway jeans and a swimsuit in which she appears to have reclaimed her shape of old, though she did not give her weight.

Tak is married to Dtac founder Boonchai Bencharongkul. Fans say she looks even thinner than she was before she married in March last year. The couple have a nine-month-old son, Khao Hom.

Internet critics said the background of the pool picture looks distorted, as if she had used a computer program to retouch her figure. Tak didn’t respond to the claim.

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