Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 15 June 2014


Mark, Ratchanok, and Mint
Channel 3 star Prin “Mark” Suparat is in trouble after swearing on social media at the mother of a former co-star, prompting a warning from his TV bosses and talk of advertisers cancelling his contract as a presenter.

Mark’s outburst on the Line app, which some unkind soul made public, threatened to upset the actor’s squeaky clean image. He went to ground for a couple of days after it first surfaced before Channel 3 finally called him on Thursday to explain.

In his Line message to actress Chalida “Mint” Vijitwongtong, Mark takes issue with a remark earlier posted by her mother, Ratchanok. Mark took it as criticism of himself, though in later remarks Mrs Ratchanok denied this was ever the intention.

“Is there something wrong with your mother? Ai sat!” Mark wrote, referring to her mother in vulgar vernacular as an animal.

“So you won’t stop? I see you are jealous of me. Go ahead and screen capture my words. Next time I see your mother I will spit in her face!” he added.

Mark and Mint appeared together in Pathapee Leh Ruk, and were cast as co-stars again in Neua Mek 2, before Channel 3 banned it on political grounds. The pair also appear as co-presenters in advertising.

Mrs Ratchanok had earlier posted a warning on Line accompanied by a picture of people cursed to climb a prickly tree in hell. “Not everyone is capable of climbing the pussy willow. But for those people who are seeing someone else’s wives or husbands, the pussy willow is waiting to stab you,” she wrote.

Karma and retribution were real, but a little dhamma a day could do wonders for the soul, she added.

Channel 3 deputy managing director Somrak Narongwichai on Thursday met Mark and his manager for an hour, and called in Mint and her mother later in the day. He said he wanted Mark and Mint to talk over their dispute, but finding the time when they could meet would be difficult, as both were making soap operas.

By Friday, Mark had had enough of the suspense, and begged his Channel 3 bosses to be allowed to make a public apology.

“I would like to say sorry to Channel 3, Mint and her mother from the bottom of my heart,” he said in what appeared to be hastily prepared remarks.

He declined to go into detail, except to say the Line comments stemmed from a dispute between two groups of people. He urged young people not to follow his example and promised to behave more like an adult from now on.

He had not spoken to Mint or her mother, but was eager to make an apology in person.

While Mint has yet to comment, her mother Ratchanok told one media outlet the remarks were actually aimed at Mark’s manager, Pornmani “Praew” Methsitsiri.

Mrs Ratchanok accuses Praew of stirring up mischief between Mint and her manager, with whom Praew has bad blood. She also says Praew encouraged Mint to start seeing Mark to boost her own popularity, but at the same time refused to let Mark accept work in which he was paired with her.

Praew, who admits she has run into problems with Mint’s mother, denies triggering the dispute. “I have tried to settle differences with Mint’s mother, but she refuses to talk to me,” she said.

Amid talk the pair could lose a 10 million baht advertising contract as a result of the bad publicity stemming from the exchange, Praew admitted she was worried Channel 3 would place a temporary ban on Mark.

Speaking after Mark’s public apology, Mrs Ratchanok said she accepted his words of contrition and was looking forward to speaking to him. -
Actor Ananda Everingham is playing down his first naked magazine shoot, saying he tried to look serious so it would come off as artistic rather than mere porn.

Ananda graces the cover of this month’s Elle Men Thailand magazine, published by Post International Media, with actress Rattanarat “Ploy” Eertaweekul, his co-star in a horror flick, Hong Hoon, now in cinemas. The pair appear in various romantic embraces, under the theme “Crack My Sin”.

The indie actor, known for stripping off in films, says he took the magazine job without knowing he would have to go naked.

“They were a little guarded when we were discussing the shoot. When I arrived and they presented me with a pair of underpants and a bottle of oil, I joked with the photographer: ‘So, it’s all off then?’ ” he said.

“I tried to make it look artistic, which comes across in the expression I wear. We try to communicate emotion. If I look as if I am lusting for it, the shoot would come across as something else,” he said.

“Working with Ploy was no problem, as we are close. I have seen her in the raw, and she’s seen everything of mine.”

He didn’t bother seeking permission from his girlfriend, actress Manasnan “Donut” Panlertwongskul, to take part in the shoot.

“We are grown up, and Donut knows this is the kind of work I accept. She does like to tease me, however, asking if I’m not the type who likes to show off my body. I admit I am that type,” he laughed.

Ploy said the magazine shoot with Ananda was the most revealing she has done. “It doesn’t get more naked than this,” she said.

The pair had taken precautions to ensure they did not expose too much. “We were both able to save ourselves … he has one spot which he protects, and I have two,” she joked. -

Comedian Kotee Aramboy says he is not afraid of big influence, after he revealed an army general owes him 200,000 baht that he refuses to repay.

In March, the rotund comedian turned to social media to call in a loan from “a man of social standing”, after his debtor spurned repeated requests to repay the loan.

Last week Kotee went one step further and identified the man as an army general, though declined to give his name. He says he is aware of the military’s increased influence since the coup, but is not worried about suffering any ill consequences as a result of airing the matter again, as the truth must be told.

“I’ve been waiting more than a year. I’ve contacted his sister and friends, to no avail. He keeps his phone off. His friends tell me they will get him to repay the money, but nothing happens,” he said.

Kotee said the army general asked for 500,000 baht last year to take a group of children to the UK. “I went along. I took along 200,000 baht in cash, as I do not have a credit card. He asked to borrow it as soon as he knew, even though it was the last day of the trip.

“I asked him where he would find that kind of money at such short notice. On his behalf I spoke to some friends and asked them if they could lend the money,” he said.

He managed to borrow 500,000 baht while they were away, and increased that by another 100,000 baht when they returned to Bangkok. He promised to repay the debt in 15 days.

Kotee said that as the months passed and the general had still failed to repay the money, his friends came calling. “I paid them out of my own pocket. He still owes me 200,000 baht, which is not a huge amount,” he said.

“I love him and he’s not a bad person. I just wish he’d show me a little respect by discharging his debt. I don’t know if he’s encountered some hardship, but I have to raise my family alone and could do with the money,” he said.

The comedian says friends ask if he is not worried for his safety after he revealed his debtor is a military man.

“I’m sure I don’t need to worry, as we still understand each other. I made a sound clip on my phone every time we met. If something happens to me, the clips are there,” he said.

Kotee said he has now been in touch with the other side and hopes the debt will be repaid by the end of this month. 

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