Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 11 May 2014


An actress and a model are upset after publishers took liberties with their reputations, which they insist are not as sexy as the public might like to think.

Actress Usanee "Nok" Wattatana laid a complaint with Technology Crime Suppression police last week after an overseas publisher ran a picture of her without permission on the cover of a book on prostitutes.

Nok appears on the cover of a book, Thai Hookers 101 – What You MUST Know About SEX And Prostitutes Before Coming To Thailand.

She says foreigner friends alerted her to the book, written under the pen name "Seven", after it was offered for sale on Amazon.

The Channel 7 actress said the book harms her reputation, as it suggests she sells herself for money.

"Thais know me as an actress, but my fans overseas might get a shock when they see me on the cover," she said.

The picture originally appeared as part of a fashion spread for Mix magazine.

"I'm angry not just because they seek to make profit from my picture, which they published without permission, but because they are so insulting to Thai women," she said.

"The book says foreigners don’t have to be good-looking or spend much money, they can still get a Thai woman into bed."

Despite the fuss, Nok insists she will carry on posing for sexy magazine shoots, as it’s just another form of work.

"I'm happy with that, as long as people do not take my picture and exploit it for improper gain," she said.

Police say they have the name of a suspect, which they will not reveal. They say many of the websites on which the book was offered for sale have now been shut down.

Meanwhile, singer and model Piya "Giftza" Pongkulapa, of the girl band Girly Berry, is upset after a fashion magazine touched up a cover shoot of her to enhance her breasts.

Giftza was in tears last week as she discussed the shoot for Maxim magazine.

She appears in an open shirt, bathing costume and pair of boots. "My breasts in the image have been touched up; the truth is, I don’t have any," she said.

She also appears with her legs spread apart in front of the camera, which in hindsight she says was a mistake.

"Family and others close to me are upset, asking why I did nothing to stop it. I have to tell them I didn’t know the spread would look so sexy. I would like to apologise for striking such provocative poses.

"I've contacted the magazine to say I'm unhappy. They apologised for touching up the pictures, but say they can’t stop the magazine going on sale."

The magazine’s editor said he understood Giftza’s concerns, but added she did not ask to see the pictures before the magazine hit news stands. -

Actor and singer Ruangrit "Rit" Siripanit says a picture of himself eating a watermelon ice-cream at a zoo has no hidden meaning and is not intended as a dig at his best mate’s girlfriend. 

Some netizens took the picture to be an attack on actor Pakin "Tono" Kumvilaisak’s outspoken girlfriend, Pattarida "Tangmo" Patcharaweerapong, whose nickname means "watermelon" in English.

Rit is close to Tono, who is now engaged to Tangmo. The couple are better known for their utterances on the People’s Democratic Reform Committee stage than they are their acting, and are fighting off rumours their stars are on the wane after a series of social media scandals.

Tangmo hasn’t been seen on TV in months, while Tono recently lost a multimillion-baht contract as product presenter, when his public image suffered as a result of his association with Tangmo.

Rit set off a minor social media fuss last week when he posted a picture of himself eating the ice-cream while standing in front of a rhinoceros at Khon Kaen zoo. The word for rhino in Thai, raet, can also mean someone who is sexually wanton.

While actor Rit was quick to claim he meant nothing by the picture, and offered a public apology just in case, some netizens are not convinced. His fans note that many of Tono’s friends, including Rit, complain the young actor has grown distant since taking up with Tangmo.

Alluding to oft-repeated claims that Rit is gay, one netizen said Rit was obviously pining for his old friend and should try harder to disguise his feelings.

"You’re a good person, but for the sake of your fan club you should try to keep your condition under control," one wrote.

Asked to comment, Tono said he was sure Rit meant no harm.

"He called me to say he was unhappy about what happened. He didn’t offer an apology, as that’s not necessary. We just talked. He’s like my younger brother, and I love him as much as always," he said. -

Actress and model Panita "Ning" Tumwattana is warning the public to change their passwords often after a thief hacked into her internet banking account and stole 30,000 baht.

Ning, who is preparing to lay a police complaint, said her email account was hacked without her knowledge. The thief used the same password to gain access to her internet banking account.

"He took out 30,000 baht in a series of 500 baht withdrawals before I realised what was happening," she said.

"The bank sent me automated warnings to tell me someone was withdrawing money, but I ignored them, thinking it was just friends trying to chat to me online," she said. All incoming messages to her phone have the same sound alert.

"When I eventually checked my account, I realised what had happened. I contacted the bank, and they confirmed someone had taken the money. I have now been forced to change my email account, which means all the information I had there has been lost.

"I'm also warning friends who do their banking on the internet to change their passwords often," she said.

"Some might say 30,000 baht isn’t much, but it’s enough to keep my child fed with milk for a month," she said.

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