Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 16 March 2014


Actor Tanin “Bomb” Manoonsilp has emerged from a public storm over the shabby way he treated women to apologise to his family and friends for letting them down.

Bomb, 24, says he is prepared to accept that he may have lost his status as a leading man over the drama, which began when his former girlfriend, Focus Jeerakul, released a clip accusing him of being unfaithful.

Focus, 21, who revealed the pair had been seeing each other for almost two years, said Bomb was unwilling to admit publicly they were an item. When she learned he was seeing someone else, she confronted him.
The woman, who she would not name, claimed Bomb told her he was only seeing Focus at her mother’s request, as she was emotionally fragile.

“He told her late last year we had actually broken up, but he kept seeing me only because my mother had pleaded with him to keep the relationship going.

“He claimed my mother told him I cry a lot when he is not around,” Focus said in the clip.

“My mother never said any such thing, and I don’t know why he had to bring her into it.

“If he had anything to say, he should say it to me. I never asked him to stay. I only ever asked him to leave,” she said in tears.

Focus’s heartfelt clip, which took off on social media, led to a week-long hunt in the popular press for Bomb’s mystery girl, as Thais piled into the hapless leading man for treating Focus so poorly.

Reporters drew up a list of five actresses with whom the popular actor, who came to fame in last year’s Channel 3 period drama, Suparbburuth Chutathep, had been linked.

All denied any romantic association with Bomb.

The hunt for the mystery girl, so far unsuccessful, was accompanied by racy suggestions he was a serial lover who may have been dating many women at the same time.

One university student, who came forward to say she once went steady with Bomb, criticised Focus for damaging his reputation.

“If you truly loved him, you wouldn’t do such a thing,” she said.

One actress named on the list of five, however, said she sympathised with Focus, as Bomb had treated her in a similar offhand fashion.

Wijitra “Naen” Chaisuwan said she once went to the movies with Bomb. When asked by reporters if they were seeing each other, Bomb pretended he didn’t know her.

“We were only ever just friends, as we kicked around in the same group together,” Naen said. “He never tried hitting on me. I called him and asked why he couldn’t just tell the truth.

“When he talks to the media, he should consider how the other party feels,” she said, adding she had since cut ties with Bomb.

Confronted with the clip revelations, Bomb initially refused to name Focus, and left vague the question of whether he had a string of romantic attachments on the side.

By the end of the week, however, he admitted he had seen Focus romantically, and that he had made overtures to another girl during a difficult patch in their relationship.

“It didn’t go anywhere, as we failed to click, so I went back to seeing Focus,” he said, apologising to the actress, her family and industry bosses for causing them distress.

Focus, who came to fame in the child love story Fan Chan, admitted she was nervous about releasing the clip.

“I thought about it for a few days, and consulted my friends and parents.

“My mother, who had earlier asked if I still wanted to see Bomb, as he was causing me so much grief, warned me there would be repercussions.

“I decided to go ahead, as I don’t want him to treat other women in his life as poorly as he treated me,” she said.

“I knew I would have to deal with criticism from his fan club, as he is a popular actor, while I have virtually no work at all,” Focus added.

She was not interested in rekindling their relationship.

“I have learned my lesson with Bomb. From now on we will just be friends,” she said.-

Activist actor and singer Pakin ''Tono'' Kumvilaisak is running into more trouble after his outspoken utterances on the People’s Democratic Reform Committee protest stage.

Tono was forced to cancel a concert in Chon Buri last week after learning that a group of red shirts, supposedly carrying weapons, had secreted themselves in the venue to cause mischief.

“I was concerned less for my own safety than that of my fans, who tend to be women and kids.

“I didn’t want them to get hurt just because they wanted to hear me sing,” he said.

Tono earlier this month lost a multimillion-baht contract as a product presenter.

Koncept Furniture cancelled his two-year contract a year early amid reports the firm was tired of dealing with his scrapes in the media.

Tono’s public image has taken a battering since he started going out with activist Pattarida “Tangmo” Patcharaweerapong last year, who is even more outspoken than he is.

Tono insists that despite having to cancel the concert, he bears no ill-will towards red shirts.
“While we might have different views politically, we are still Thais in the eyes of the King, who loves us equally,” he said. -

Former model Sura “Nicky The Stick” Theerakol has inscribed on his chest a pithy comeback for critics who question his allegiance to the King.

Nicky, who was punched for his troubles after criticising anti-government protesters at the Asok stage in January, released a clip on Facebook last week in which he refers cryptically to a senior figure who he says has been throwing his weight around. Nicky steadily grows more animated in the clip, and stabs the air to make his point.

“If you are a big name, have money or influence, you should treat those who have lesser status with respect,” he said.

“These days no one cares what your name is. If you do wrong, you apologise. If you fail to say sorry, you back off,” he said.

“You can’t throw your weight around here, because I have big people on my side too,” he growled.

Nicky whipped up his T-shirt to reveal his heavily tattooed chest. “I am a son of the King!” he exclaimed, pointing to a tattoo inscribed with the words “Look Por”, which means roughly the same thing.

Nicky made a similar remark on the protest stage in January, when he seized the microphone from the speaker to proclaim: “Hey, I am one of the Kin’s subjects too, you buffalo!”

Protest guards bundled Nicky off stage to be interrogated, though not before a grizzled man in his fifties, unhappy at the way Nicky had spoken to them, sprang out of the crowd and landed a punch on his head.

Some netizens said Nicky, who has a history of psychiatric trouble, should be pitied, not harassed.

Reaction to his clip is similar, with some confused netizens asking what it all means.

Others, however, commend Nicky for having the courage to speak his mind.

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