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Sunday 23 March 2014

Show me the money, taxi trouble, indecent proposal

Actress Bongkot “Tak” Khongmalai, married to a telecoms billionaire twice her age, is taking stick for her decision to give her mother 50 million baht for those “times of need”.

Tak last week published on Instagram an image of a cheque made out to her mother, Thanapa “Lek” Kongmalai. Voluptuous beauty Tak married billionaire Dtac founder Boonchai Bencharongkul in March last year.

“In this age of conflict, I’m giving mum some money for those times in which she might need anything. I’m afraid she might meet difficulty,” Tak wrote, referring to the protests. “Here’s another lump sum,” she joked.

Mrs Thanapa, who knew nothing about the cheque when contacted by reporters, said she would make merit with the money.

Netizens have been quick to criticise Tak for publicising details of the gift, asking why she didn’t keep the news to herself.

“Giving money to your mother is certainly a good deed, but why do you feel the need to rub the noses of ordinary Thai folk in your extreme wealth?” one asked. “Should you ever fall to the ground, Thais won’t just walk over your body, they’ll grind your face into the dirt,” he said unkindly.

Other reaction was more generous. Backing her decision to publicise the cash transfer, one netizen wrote that if Tak didn’t make a show of it, Thais who knew no better might think ill of her. Tak’s mother enjoys making chilli paste for sale.

“They might see her mother making her humble chilli paste, which she does purely for the enjoyment of it, but think Tak is failing to take proper care of her, even though she has married a billionaire,” he wrote.

By Friday, Tak had deleted the picture of the cheque from her Instagram account, referring cryptically to someone who has been emulating her by giving away cash gifts.

“This person is using my example as a way to look good. Yet my husband earned his money honestly. Please stop trying to compete with me. It’s boring.” -
Tai and the taxi driver
Actress Saitharn “Tai” Niyomkarn is attracting criticism and praise alike for her decision to publish a clip she took of an unhappy encounter with a taxi driver.

Tai posted the clip on her Facebook account last week. She says she was taking a yellow taxi in Bangkok on March 15, when he took a wrong turn. When she corrected him, the taxi driver turned on her, criticising her for the rest of their journey.

Tai starts filming the driver on her smartphone when she is safely out of the vehicle. She films him from outside the rear door on the left side.

The driver is at the wheel, demanding to know why she is filming her, and pointing angrily in her direction.

“You have an education. You’re a public figure, an actress,” he said, arguing she should behave better.

Tai retorts that the driver had only just realised who she was, and it shouldn’t make any difference anyway.

“I want everyone to know about your poor behaviour. Society finds it hard to cope these days because of people like you,” she pronounces.

The clip, shared widely on social media, has given rise to a variety of reactions. While many back Tai’s decision to set an example by the driver, others ask why she didn’t start filing the clip earlier.

“I can hardly make a decision when I didn’t see the argument from the beginning,” they say.

At the anti-government ASTV/Manager website, readers are mainly sympathetic, though they tend to view the dispute in political terms rather than as a simple transaction between a taxi driver and a passenger which went wrong.

“Normally I sit in a taxi quietly, showing respect, and putting up with the heat. I also try to put up with the red-shirt news on the radio, the stink in the cab, the bad behaviour of the driver. I am risking my life riding with these people,” one netizen wrote. Many of the drivers of taxis he used were from the Northeast, and supported the government, he said unhappily.

Another reader, however, urged netizens not to take sides too quickly.

“My dad is a taxi driver, but also an avid supporter of the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee,” he wrote.

“Dad has been driving since the tom yum gung economic crisis in the late ’90s. He’s been robbed in his taxi, and had to deal with passengers who refuse to pay. But he has never cheated anyone.

“He put me through school and university, and saved money to help my wife and I buy a home.

“I’m proud of dad. I’m not too shy to say he drives a taxi. I would like to ask those who lump taxi drivers in together to attack their profession: Have you done anything to be a good member of society lately?”

Asked about reaction to her clip, Tai defended her decision to cast aspersions on the taxi trade.

“I wanted to make an example of him to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said. -
May, Joe
Actress Pichanak “May” Sakakorn has put a marriage proposal from her policeman boyfriend on ice, saying he took a New Year’s surprise too far.

May spoke out last week for the first time since her love, Thititsan “Joe” Uthanapol, also known as “Joe Ferrari”, went down on bended knee before friends at a Bangkok hotel over New Year.

The offer gave rise to incorrect reports the pair had actually married, and took her fans by surprise.

May revealed last week she was actually tricked into wearing bridal white for the hotel gathering. Her manager, who knew about Joe’s plans to propose, told her she would have to wear a wedding dress for a work function.

Making the most of his opportunity, Joe also gave her a ring.

May stayed out of the media in the immediate aftermath of Joe’s stunt. As reporters dug into his past, he was forced to go before the cameras to admit May had yet to agree to his offer of marriage. The two had been together only two months.

The Narcotics Suppression Bureau policeman said he was once married to hi-so luxury car dealership owner, with whom he has a four-year old child, Jaguar. He also admitted seeing a Thai-German model last year.

May, who broke her silence last week to say the couple are still seeing each other, said Joe’s lightning marriage proposal left her in a state of shock.

“I wasn’t too happy about it, and would like to thank everyone who was worried on my behalf,” she said.

“We are still talking to each other. But I have told him to forget about his marriage proposal until we get to know each other better. I have also returned his ring.”

May said Joe recently went into hospital to get a cyst removed from his head. “I sent him my encouragement, but did not watch over his bed,” she said.

The actress stopped seeing a young hi-so, Tanos “Palm” Leesavan, two months before she met Joe. She said they are still friends, and could yet team up again.

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