Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Actress Anyarin "TubTim'' Terathananpat has sought police help after a Facebook user wrote fake messages using her name suggesting the pair were an item.

On Tuesday, TubTim, 22, alerted Min Buri police after she says a tomboy member of her fanclub had posted false messages in her name on the tom's own Facebook page.

Facebook user QuanJai Dek-noi claimed she and TubTim had been going steady for six years.

TubTim said QuanJai Dek-noi managed to open a Facebook account under the same name as her own, Anyarin Terathananpat, and posted messages on the tom's own Facebook page to suggest they were lovers.

The tom was effectively writing to herself, but trying to suggest to her supporters that the messages actually came from TubTim.

"I am thinking of you,'' said one message posted in the name of Anyarin Terathananpat, but which TubTim insists is fake, on QuanJai Dek-noi's Facebook page.

The exchange upset QuanJai Dek-noi's real girlfriend, who sent a message to TubTim on Twitter, criticising her for trying to steal her mate.

"You have a real nerve. You've been trying to steal my girlfriend even though there are plenty of other toms around. Stop messing with her,'' said the tweet, from a woman identifying herself as MK - suky.

MK-suky first wrote to TubTim in February. At first she thought nothing of it. However, since then another member of her fanclub had stumbled across QuanJai Dek-noi's Facebook account, and sent her a copy of her fabricated conversations.

QuanJai Dek-noi's subterfuge had managed to deceive other members of TubTim's teen fanclub, who left messages asking if it was true that she and TubTim were going steady.

Speaking at the police station, TubTim said the Facebook drama had damaged her reputation and affected her work.

"When I first saw QuanJai Dek-noi's exchanges, I was shocked. At first I thought someone must have hacked into my account.

"I know QuanJai Dek-noi as a member of my fanclub with whom I have posed for pictures many times. We are not close, but she is an attentive fan so I grant her requests to pose for pictures.

"As part of the deception, QuanJai Dek-noi copied a picture from my real Facebook account, and published many pictures of the two of us together, to suggest that we were an item,'' she said.

"I'm disappointed she would do such a thing and would like to warn my fans to be wary of people with possibly bad motives,'' she said.

TubTim has since "defriended'' QuanJai Dek-noi on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to block her access to personal information.

The Channel 7 actress said if QuanJai Dek-noi did not stop damaging her reputation, she would be forced to tell police to take action.

Police say they will investigate if TubTim lays a formal complaint. 

Actress Araya "Chompoo'' Hargate says she feels distraught that her father is in critical care for a lung infection - but even worse that she can't be there to look after him.

Accepting a best actress award at the third Natarat awards in Bangkok last week, Chompoo burst into tears as she referred in her acceptance speech to her father.

Speaking backstage to reporters, she again started to cry as she spoke about his illness.

"My father is in hospital for a lung infection, and has just entered the ICU,'' Chompoo said.

"He suffers from diabetes, and has trouble eating. He regurgitates his food, which has passed into his windpipe and infected his lungs. He is now taking food through a rubber tube,'' she said in tears.

Chompoo said she is busy every day filming scenes for her latest soap opera, which has started airing on television.

Her boyfriend, Witsarut "Nott'' Rangsisipipat, had managed to visit her father, for which she was grateful.

"He managed to get in to see him even before I did, as I'm just too busy. Sometimes I feel bad that I have to run around for everyone and get time to look after my own needs only after I see to everyone else,'' she said.

''But if you were to ask me to put a brake on my work to look after my dad, it would be hard to do. I have to make fleeting visits, dropping in when I can.''

Reports say Chompoo and actress Khemanit "Pancake'' Jamikorn fell out at a city function recently when Pancake turned up late when they were booked to appear together.

Asked about it, Pancake said she and Chompoo did not talk, but as far as she was aware, there was no bad blood.

"I apologise to everyone whenever I'm late,'' she said.

Denying she resented the younger Pancake for her tardiness, Chompoo said there was nothing to the rumours. 


Model Yosawadee "Yo'' Hasadeewijit is declining to reveal the identity of her latest love interest, saying it's trendier for celebrities to keep mum about who they are dating.

Yo says she has been talking romantically with a businessman for about four months. The pair have known each other for five years, but Yo is not yet ready to call him her boyfriend, or reveal his identity.

"These days it is fashionable to keep such things a secret,'' she said. "We have to spend time getting to know each other.''

In preferring to keep her man's identity a secret, Yo is following a recent example set by A-list star Patcharapa "Aum'' Chaichuea, who earlier this month declared on Instagram that she had found herself a potential mate - but declined to reveal his name.

Aum published a picture of herself at an eatery in the company of friends, including her new man. Her male companion is sitting beside her and only his hand - wearing a Rolex watch - and a leg are visible.

Aum said she had no intention of revealing his name as she has with her previous loves, as that only ends in trouble.

"Whenever I reveal the name of a man I'm seeing, everyone crowds in. Even if I draw closer with my friend, I will probably still keep his identity a secret,'' she said.

Yo said she wanted to be confident in the relationship before revealing her friend's identity.

"If I told you who he was, and then we stopped seeing each other, people would think 'Oh, there she goes again, breaking up with someone','' she said.

"I would rather ease into it gradually.''

Yo said she would not mind if reporters took pictures of them together, but had no intention of taking him before the cameras herself.

"He's sweet, and very quiet. I tend to talk a lot,'' she said, when asked about his appeal.

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