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Mario, Kup Kip |
She says a Korean entertainment giant urged her to change her face, to boost her chances of fame.
However, she reckons she's still the same person inside, so Mario has no cause to worry.
Mario's reaction upon seeing her for the first time after surgery was characteristically blunt, for a young man his age: ''What's happened to your face?'' She did not tell him beforehand.
Koop Kip says she underwent cosmetic surgery on a whim while visiting the land of kimchi with an actress friend and her manager. It's all in a good cause - making piles of money!
Since recovering from his initial shock, Mario has complimented Koop Kip on her appearance.
This week she took to the catwalk with Mario in a fashion show, the first time the couple have worked together.
However, she declined to pose for joint photographs, in case people think she is trying to leach off Mario's greater fame.
Koop Kip wants to achieve stardom on her own, without Mario's help. My mother paid for the surgery, not Mario,'' she says firmly. A member of the RS Promotions band Baby Booty, Koop Kip has asked a well-known gay manager to Thai stars, ''A'' Supachai Sriwichit, to look after her affairs.
They have worked together for four or five months, but have yet to sign a contract. Manager A counts among his clients A-list Channel 7 actress ''Aum'' Patcharapa.
Mario has his own gay manager, called Ko Ko, whom he sticks by loyally. Koop Kip denies she has tried to lure Mario away to join A's stable, or that a giant kathoey catfight over who gets to manage Mario's blossoming career is looming.
Earlier, Channel 7 sounded out Mario about making television dramas, but he declined, as he prefers to stick to modelling, advertising and movies.
Koop Kip may not want to be compared with Mario, but she is keen to make her own pile nonetheless.
While she was in Korea, Koop Kip dropped in on giant promoter JYP Entertainment - home to superstar Rain, and Thai singer ''Khun'' Nichkhun Horvejkul - which wants to hire Thai talent on these shores to appear in music videos and commercials. She had talked to the company before.
JYP suggested that she might like to lift her face, so - over a casual meal with her friends - Koop Kip decided to ditch her natural look of old, in favour of a Korean-style, cute-as-a-button face - complete with bobbed haircut. She won't reveal how much it cost, but says it was under 100,000 baht.
''We were having something to eat, looking at pictures of how cosmetic surgery can change the face. I thought they looked good, so decided to get my nose done,'' she says.
Koop Kip went with manager A and actress ''Noo Waen'' Pawarisa Phenchart. She denies she changed her face to make herself more alluring to Mario. ''I want to make money to support my parents,'' she says.
''My work and my studies are going much better now that I have had my nose done. It must be good fortune,'' says Koop Kip.
One media report claims Channel 7 is lining up Koop Kip as an actress for its nightly dramas. That could be another sign of manager A's influence. The report was unsourced. The reality is, she has yet to be cast for any role. ''It will be up to Channel 7 bosses to decide whether she gets work,'' a friend tells Dara Daily gossip rag.
''JYP also wants Thai stars to present television shows in Korea, but says I will have to wait, as I am still too young,'' says Koop Kip.
While Mario trudges from one dreary fashion show and magazine cover shoot to another, Koop Kip - whom one rag dubbed ''Plastic Face' to herald her new look - wants the fast-track to fame.
She has found herself an influential manager, undergone cosmetic surgery, and forged contacts overseas. Now she is waiting for her new face to settle before JYP possibly adds her to its stable, to work here or ''go inter'' abroad.
If Koop Kip has ambitious plans of her own to achieve stardom, a changed look might be the least that Mario can expect.-
An actress's best friend is her Mum, and Thai starlets are happy for
their mothers to share the limelight with them, if having an adult
figure on their side improves their chances of success.
Sometimes, however, having a meddlesome mother can cause more trouble than its worth. Ideally, family should be kept out of the picture, as two feuding actresses discovered this week.
Mother to bad-girl actress ''Kwan'' Usamanee has defended her daughter from claims that she is widely disliked in the industry. She has also attempted to patch up Kwan's boyfriend troubles - with disastrous results.
Kwan was a figure of scorn at a Channel 7 function last week, as actresses from the same stable took turns to criticise her. Some actresses have accused Kwan of sending them threatening text messages and picking fights on set.
Her mother sprang to her defence, saying the girl's reputation was being unfairly maligned, and threatening to take legal action.
Kwan is also having troubles on the boyfriend front, after Grammy singer ''Golf'' Pichaya, of Golf and Mike fame left her for actress Ploy'' Cherman.
Kwan insists she is not angry with Ploy for taking her former boyfriend, whom she has tried to woo back without success.
But Kwan's Mum was growing alarmed. With rival talent at Channel 7 attacking her daughter, and now Kwan's boyfriend deserting her, the girl looked increasingly isolated and unpopular.
How best to fix it? She called Ploy's Mum for a quiet word, a sensible talk between peers.
''Get your daughter to back off!'' Was it anything like that? The two mothers barely know each other, so Ploy's Mum could be forgiven for feeling surprised, even if the tone of their conversation was more restrained.
One report suggests that she urged Ploy's Mum to take good care of her daughter, as Golf is still young and doesn't know what is going on.
Reporters caught wind of the phone call, and asked fiesty Kwan if her mother had called to ''ween'' (chew out) Ploy's Mum.
Kwan denied it. ''I suspect she called just to ask about where to find a dress,'' she insisted.
Oops! If we must fib, best do it convincingly. Ploy says Kwan's claims are untrue. ''She didn't call about clothes, and our mothers are not close,'' she says.
Ploy is unhappy that Kwan's mother saw fit to meddle. ''My mother doesn't mind, but I do. Kwan's mother is intruding in my business. I am 25, and capable of making my own decisions,'' she says.
On the internet, Thais are warning Kwan against taking on Ploy, an older woman more experienced in love who they say will prove a much tougher adversary.
But Ploy has had her own problems with mothers this week - and with silly fibs.
On Thursday, Ploy admitted telling the media a small fib to downplay the extent of her friendship with young Golf - after Golf's Mum unwittingly betrayed the truth.
Ploy and Golf are the Thai media's hottest young couple, but in the flush of their blossoming friendship Ploy last week told a porkie.
Confronted with reports that she and Golfie had gone to Pattaya together, she denied it.
Ploy says that in a moment of fluster, she told reporters that Golf just happened to be in the City of Sin with his family, making merit
at temples.
She just happened to be there at the same time, so the two agreed to meet.
Making merit – how wholesome. It must have sounded plausible, because the celebrity set are nothing if not shining examples of virtue.
This week, her story was out of the bag, as Golf's Mum told the media that she was never in Pattaya.
Oops again! However, Mum did not appear perturbed by Ploy's fib, as she said any friend of her son's is a friend of hers too.
''I apologise...I just didn't know what to say. We went separately, with a group of our own friends. After meeting, the two of us split off from the main group to share a meal together,'' Ploy says.
''However, we went in the morning and came back the same day. We did not stay overnight.''
Defending her decision to lie, Ploy says she does not see the need to tell the media every personal detail. Beleaguered Kwan, if she was to explain her fib about the dress, would no doubt say the same.
Golf may have had a hand in spreading the story about the temple visit: he himself told the media that he visited Pattaya with family.
Was that to protect Ploy's honour? If so, how manly. However, the simple truth is often best. And keep family out of it!-
Sometimes, however, having a meddlesome mother can cause more trouble than its worth. Ideally, family should be kept out of the picture, as two feuding actresses discovered this week.
Mother to bad-girl actress ''Kwan'' Usamanee has defended her daughter from claims that she is widely disliked in the industry. She has also attempted to patch up Kwan's boyfriend troubles - with disastrous results.
Kwan was a figure of scorn at a Channel 7 function last week, as actresses from the same stable took turns to criticise her. Some actresses have accused Kwan of sending them threatening text messages and picking fights on set.
Her mother sprang to her defence, saying the girl's reputation was being unfairly maligned, and threatening to take legal action.
Kwan is also having troubles on the boyfriend front, after Grammy singer ''Golf'' Pichaya, of Golf and Mike fame left her for actress Ploy'' Cherman.
Kwan insists she is not angry with Ploy for taking her former boyfriend, whom she has tried to woo back without success.
But Kwan's Mum was growing alarmed. With rival talent at Channel 7 attacking her daughter, and now Kwan's boyfriend deserting her, the girl looked increasingly isolated and unpopular.
How best to fix it? She called Ploy's Mum for a quiet word, a sensible talk between peers.
''Get your daughter to back off!'' Was it anything like that? The two mothers barely know each other, so Ploy's Mum could be forgiven for feeling surprised, even if the tone of their conversation was more restrained.
One report suggests that she urged Ploy's Mum to take good care of her daughter, as Golf is still young and doesn't know what is going on.
Reporters caught wind of the phone call, and asked fiesty Kwan if her mother had called to ''ween'' (chew out) Ploy's Mum.
Kwan denied it. ''I suspect she called just to ask about where to find a dress,'' she insisted.
Oops! If we must fib, best do it convincingly. Ploy says Kwan's claims are untrue. ''She didn't call about clothes, and our mothers are not close,'' she says.
Ploy is unhappy that Kwan's mother saw fit to meddle. ''My mother doesn't mind, but I do. Kwan's mother is intruding in my business. I am 25, and capable of making my own decisions,'' she says.
On the internet, Thais are warning Kwan against taking on Ploy, an older woman more experienced in love who they say will prove a much tougher adversary.
But Ploy has had her own problems with mothers this week - and with silly fibs.
On Thursday, Ploy admitted telling the media a small fib to downplay the extent of her friendship with young Golf - after Golf's Mum unwittingly betrayed the truth.
Ploy and Golf are the Thai media's hottest young couple, but in the flush of their blossoming friendship Ploy last week told a porkie.
Confronted with reports that she and Golfie had gone to Pattaya together, she denied it.
Ploy says that in a moment of fluster, she told reporters that Golf just happened to be in the City of Sin with his family, making merit
at temples.
She just happened to be there at the same time, so the two agreed to meet.
Making merit – how wholesome. It must have sounded plausible, because the celebrity set are nothing if not shining examples of virtue.
This week, her story was out of the bag, as Golf's Mum told the media that she was never in Pattaya.
Oops again! However, Mum did not appear perturbed by Ploy's fib, as she said any friend of her son's is a friend of hers too.
''I apologise...I just didn't know what to say. We went separately, with a group of our own friends. After meeting, the two of us split off from the main group to share a meal together,'' Ploy says.
''However, we went in the morning and came back the same day. We did not stay overnight.''
Defending her decision to lie, Ploy says she does not see the need to tell the media every personal detail. Beleaguered Kwan, if she was to explain her fib about the dress, would no doubt say the same.
Golf may have had a hand in spreading the story about the temple visit: he himself told the media that he visited Pattaya with family.
Was that to protect Ploy's honour? If so, how manly. However, the simple truth is often best. And keep family out of it!-
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Jik, X |
She and actor ''X'' Thitnan Soowansak are drawing close, with every chance that he could ''up'' himself to boyfriend status if he plays his cards right.
Jik, who is more than 10 years his senior, also has a peculiar affinity for men called X - her last fling was hunky actor ''X'' Piya Wimuktayon.
She might also have an affinity for gay men. Gay rumours have long dogged the first X – which Jik herself helped along in the bitter aftermath of their break-up.
The current X appeared alongside Jik in the television Superstar series, and most recently played actor ''Ta'' Warit's gay lover in the television drama Botun Kleep Sud Thai.
Jik - dubbed a cougar (a woman who prefers younger men) on the internet - devoured the last X, a sensitive soul, after their relationship ended.
One moment, the pair were seen everywhere together. The next, Jik had called it off, and the two erstwhile ''close friends'' started slinging insults in public.
Variety show host ''Woody'' Wootithorn Milintajinda interviewed Jik after the pair split up.
Jik did not refer to X by name, but it was obvious who she meant. Asked about those gay rumours surrounding X, Jik said she thought he probably did prefer men.
Funny, that! While they were seeing each other, Jik said that as far as she could tell, X preferred women. Feeling bitter, were we dear?
Asked to respond to her remarks, X called former girlfriend Jik two-faced. In reply, Jik said no man had ever spoken about her in such harsh terms. Men should treat women with respect, not argue with them.
''If he has a mirror at his place, he should look in it and ask himself whether he is a man or a woman,'' she said.
Jik said she doesn't want to label anyone as gay, but it was hard these days to find straight men. ''So many are hiding themselves away, but when you get to know them, the girl comes out immediately,'' she said.
So what about the new X - has he learnt anything from his predecessor's sorry experience? The signs are not good.
X says gushingly that he and Jik are ''as close as you can imagine''.
Funny, that! While they were seeing each other, Jik said that as far as she could tell, X preferred women. Feeling bitter, were we dear?
Asked to respond to her remarks, X called former girlfriend Jik two-faced. In reply, Jik said no man had ever spoken about her in such harsh terms. Men should treat women with respect, not argue with them.
''If he has a mirror at his place, he should look in it and ask himself whether he is a man or a woman,'' she said.
Jik said she doesn't want to label anyone as gay, but it was hard these days to find straight men. ''So many are hiding themselves away, but when you get to know them, the girl comes out immediately,'' she said.
So what about the new X - has he learnt anything from his predecessor's sorry experience? The signs are not good.
X says gushingly that he and Jik are ''as close as you can imagine''.
X took his parents to see Jik on the Superstar show. When she came off the stage, she asked them if she could regard herself as their daughter-in-law, according to one report. ''She gives me advice...wherever I go, I call her first,'' he says innocently.
Jik says X is obedient. ''If I tell him to sit quietly, he sits quietly,'' she jokes.
Former girlfriend to the current X, ''Kratae'' Supaksorn Chaimongkol, says the pair might be together merely for the sake of publicity.
Jik says X is obedient. ''If I tell him to sit quietly, he sits quietly,'' she jokes.
Former girlfriend to the current X, ''Kratae'' Supaksorn Chaimongkol, says the pair might be together merely for the sake of publicity.
Jik's reaction: ''Relationships are about a man and a woman - no third party should get involved.''
By Jik's catty standards, that rebuke was relatively mild. It might take a bigger stick to stir up this cougar.
By Jik's catty standards, that rebuke was relatively mild. It might take a bigger stick to stir up this cougar.
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