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Sunday 17 September 2017

Kick in the guts, let's not talk about sex, Noey's wedding plans nosedive

Singer's husband cops a beating 

Somchok, Au
Grammy singer Haruthai “Au” Muangbunsri has laid a complaint with police after six men from a city muay Thai boxing ring turned up at her husband’s boxing supply shop and beat him up.

Au’s husband, Somchok Suthisohm, was manning the Lumpini Shop in the Bon Kai area alone when the incident occurred on Sept 6. He says six men from the YokKao boxing camp, run by an Italian identified as Filippo Cinti, turned up and accused him of making illegal copies of their branded boxing shorts.

Accompanying Au to Lumpini police station, he said the group of six interlopers comprised four Thais, an Indian and a foreigner of unknown nationality.

As the Indian man stood outside the shop proclaiming to passers-by that the shop was making illegal knock-off copies, the four Thais shut the shop door and threatened young customers inside against interfering in their dispute.

Mr Somchok said the Thais punched him four times in his left eye. He did not fight back, as he was worried about being set upon by the group. He suspected they were armed.

“They turned up in the morning and waited a couple of hours before calling for help. They were angry after finding two pairs of shorts in the shop bearing the camp’s brand," Au said. 

The Grammy singer said she suspected the attack stemmed from a business dispute, but rather than discuss it calmly the men resorted to standover “mafia-style” tactics.

“They were part of an order of 20 pairs of shorts worth about 8,000 baht which we made for them six years ago in which we acted as their supplier. We came up with the design, but agreed to put their logo on it and supply the shorts to them exclusively.”

Au said her shop started making orders for the YokKao brand about 10 years ago. The arrangement lasted about four years before Au heard they had started their own factory to make boxing goods.

She said YokKao placed a final order for 20 shorts, but then failed to pay for them or pick them up. “They placed their order before Lumpini Stadium moved to the Ram Intra area, it was that long ago ... before I was  pregnant with our youngest daughter," she added.

“Rather than let the shorts turn into a bad debt, we put them on sale in our own shop. Just two pairs were left on the day they turned up,” she said.

In a strongly worded warning to the foreign-owned muay Thai camp, she said: “Who do you think you are? Out of the blue you punch someone at his shop. You are running a muay Thai business, making a living in Thailand, making money off Thai culture ... but you harass Thais in this manner. We conducted business honestly with you.

“We will take this dispute all the way. As for the Thais who came along with you, they will regret taking sides with the wrong person, someone who uses force.”

Her husband added: “Suppliers like us produce many brands, not just the one we made for them. Our Lumpini brand has been successful overseas, no less than his ... and we don’t have to hold events or advertise.”

Au said youngsters in the shop filmed a clip of the men attacking her husband, which she handed over to police. “They threatened us and declared they would bring back some henchmen and pull down our shop. I waited, but no one came," she said. “We have spoken since, and we denied secretly making or selling their shorts."

The pair laid a complaint against the men of assault, defamation and invading their shop. Police say they are gathering evidence and intend calling in the group.

Singer, model part 'on good terms'

Singer Khan Thaitanium has defended himself after his former girlfriend, Playboy model Sherlyn “Faymus” Krobthong, accused him of losing interest in her after they had sex.

Faymus last week released a social media exchange between the pair in which Khan appeared to distance himself from the relationship after the two had been together. 

“I am not mad, I am scared to hurt your feelings. I am a single man and wanna stay single. I do talk to a few girls. I hang out because you’re kool," Khan wrote.

Defending her decision to release the chat, Fay said:  “I don’t want to harm your reputation, but I don’t want you to do this to anyone else.” While she had hoped the relationship would progress, she realised he did not enjoy commitment and eventually asked that they part on good terms.

Writing on Instagram later, Khan said he thought about his words and did not mean any disrespect. The two were together about a year and had sex about six months into the relationship.

“I am not perfect but am far from being wicked. I treat all women with dignity, no matter whether they are good to me or not, as my mother taught me the importance of doing so," he wrote. 

“Where love is concerned, anything that goes beyond friendship is a delicate matter for me. The most important thing is doing the work I love. The older I get, the less time I have. It is not too selfish of me to want to focus on this part of my life. 

“I am not upset by the leak; at least people know the way I feel. Criticism is welcome, but please spare Fay."

The model said later the two had since spoken, but she declined to give details.

Family ties not quite close enough
Noey, Rit
Sexy singer Warattha ‘‘Noey" Imraporn says she has put off thoughts of marriage to her pilot boyfriend, admitting the two families have yet to draw close.

Noey, of the band Neko Jump, and a Playboy model, last week took to the catwalk to model a wedding dress, with her boyfriend, pilot Rit Karchai, modelling as a groom.

Noey said while she took on the modelling job, she couldn’t help thinking that she might be wearing such a dress one day, after Rit asked for her hand in marriage on a recent overseas trip.

Rit later refused requests for a joint interview with Noey, leaving her to field reporter’s questions. Reports said he was worried about upsetting his family, after a relative last year warned through the media he would be disinherited and banished from the family home if they tied the knot.

Noey admitted the two families have yet to discuss their marriage plans in detail, as Rit wanted to give his parents more time to get used to the idea. She says she hasn’t forced the issue, even though she would like to meet Rit’s mother.

“I never modelled a wedding dress before. It was exciting. I wasn’t sure how to do it as normally I am just a friend of the bride," she said. 

“It’s like a practice run. I am not worried it will upset our parents, as it was like a fashion wedding, not the real thing.

"I told my mum, and Rit’s parents were OK with him taking part too. Before, his mother was very strict, and is only just starting to relax," she said. 

“We will aim to get married in the next year or two, but I want to focus on work first.

“I would like to clear the matter with Rit’s mother, but I doubt one visit would be enough. Both families need time to get to know each other. I have met his father for a meal, and he was really sweet. As for his mum, P’ Rit has to choose the right time, when she is ready ... we can’t just turn up.

“If we really love each other, some day the adults in our lives must take notice." Rit has yet to comment on when they will tie the knot."

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