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Sunday 8 January 2017

On the ball, thanks for the mammaries, freeze-framed

Businessman goes into hiding

Ball, Aum
Celebrity businessman Krisna "Ball" Amitsoon is keeping out of sight as police prepare to send to prosecutors a high-profile case in which he is accused of assaulting a senior solder's son at a Chiang Mai nightclub.

Ball was bailed following his arrest stemming from the Nov 25 incident at the Malin Sky pub, in which student  Issarajnuwat ‘‘James Bond’’ Wankawisan suffered serious injury including a broken nose, fractured jaw and problems with his left eye.

Ball has kept out of the public eye since his release, though police say his family has been in touch with the victim's kin to offer compensation.

Mr Issarajnuwat, the victim, is the son of Maj Gen Witthaya Wankawisan, commander of the 38th Army Circle in Nan province.

Ball's girlfriend, actress Lakana "Aum" Wattanawongsiri, posted pictures on social media of herself and family celebrating over Christmas, but without Ball present.

News reports say she ordained as a Buddhist nun for a week and made merit before returning to life as normal as she awaits word on the case.

However, she has also appeared wearing a ring, which reports said was intended to scotch suggestions the pair had broken up in the wake of the saga.

Updating progress on the case last week, Pol Lt Gen Poonsap Prasertsak, acting chief of Provincial Police Region 5, said police were preparing to send the file to prosecutors this month after speaking to more than 50 witnesses. They were confident of making a case stick.

Meanwhile, police have charged a young man in Bangkok with assault causing serious injury after he attacked a reveller at a city pub on Christmas Eve.

An account of the attack, which left the victim with horrific slash wounds to his face and body, was supplied by his friend, Facebook user Yanapat Siwilai.

He said the attack occurred at an unidentified pub in the Lat Phrao Soi 80 area after his friend, whom he also did not name, started talking to a young man at the bar. 

His jealous gay boyfriend, who saw the two chatting, started arguing with the victim, named in the media as "Fuse", and they had to be separated.

"My friend apologised for the misunderstanding. They were just talking, but did not hug or kiss," Mr Yanapat said. He and his party were preparing to leave when the assailant reappeared and charged at Fuse with a box cutter, slashing his face and arms, stabbing him in the stomach, and severing his salivary gland.

The attacker fled but was caught by a security guard. Fuse, who was rushed to hospital, has undergone surgery to repair his salivary gland and tendons in his arm and face. He has more than 10 wounds to his body and is taking food through a tube.

Mr Yanapat said the victim, who works in public relations for a beauty clinic, relies on his looks to make a living,  but since the attack can barely bring himself to glance in the mirror.

"We go to that Christmas function every year and never have any trouble. It is big and well known, and we didn't think anyone would be able to take a weapon inside," he said.

Netizens have published images of the alleged assailant, his T-shirt splattered with the victim's blood, smiling and laughing after the incident. On Monday the suspect, Kamolphu Dangpanitchakul, 24, reported to Wong Thang Lang police, who charged him with assault causing serious injury. He has declined to give evidence except in court.

Mr Kamolphu, wearing a cap and face mask to disguise his appearance, fled into a waiting vehicle upon his release. Reports say his father has attempted to contact the victim in hospital, but the family turned him away.

Police say Mr Kamolphu has a history of getting into scrapes at gay nightspots, some having banned him from re-entry.

Mr Yanapat said he and his friends, who are consulting a lawyer, suspect the young man may have influential connections and are pressing police to ensure progress in the case. -

2. Tangmo focuses on fitness


Actress Nida "Tangmo" Patcharaveerapong says she will emphasise fitness rather than sexiness as she poses for a men's magazine without her silicone breasts. Tangmo, who had her false breasts removed about a year ago, is getting fit as she prepares for the photo spread.

"I am now a foster mother and don't want my daughter growing up with a ‘sexy star’ as a mum," she said. Tangmo is raising a child jointly with her manager, who gave birth to the little girl, Easter, last year.

"I had my breasts taken out because I don't use them for work any more," she said, referring to her past as a sexy model.

Tangmo says she does not regret the decision, and in fact feels more confident. "I can wear almost anything, no matter how deep the cleavage, without looking too daring," she said.  "In fact, I look just like a kid."

Sleeping on her front is also easier. "Getting them put in was harder than getting them taken out, as I was nervous back then, but this time around was able to steel myself in advance," Tangmo, a committed Christian, said.

"I went to a function with a youngster after it was done. While the pictures which appeared in the media blurred out her breasts, they didn't bother with mine. People were suspicious, and asked where my breasts had gone. In fact, I have wanted them out for ages now, but didn't have the time.

"When I think back to when I had big boobs, I ask myself what was I selling? Now I would rather sell what is inside my body rather than outside.

"God says our body is his citadel, and we should look after it." Her new shoot would show off her muscle and lean look, rather than her chest. -

3. Secret snaps upset 


Television presenter Mallika "Tubtim" Chongwattana says she has accepted an apology from a city coffee store after staff surreptitiously took her picture and gossiped about her on social media.

Tubtim republished the image and accompanying message last week, criticising the staff member for intruding on her privacy. True Coffee, owner of the store, asked to meet her and apologised.

Tubtim, being filmed
Referring to Tubtim, the offending message read: "I didn't think she would be back. The other night she was having a coffee at Sukhumvit Soi 24; she came with a man. As it happens, my boyfriend works there. He says she has coffee with that guy, and goes up to her condo with a new guy every day."

The message was accompanied by a picture of Tubtim and her male friend, who is obscured, at the shop counter.  They do not appear to know they are being photographed.

Writing sarcastically in response, Tubtim said she was impressed at the nosy netizen's skills.

"You're clever, aren't you? Such an insider! I don’t care about news linking me to men. I am single, aged almost 30, have money and a job. I don't care if some nobody takes my picture secretly.

"The point is, I patronise this True Coffee shop regularly. I take friends there, and we take pictures from the store and post them (which helps promote the brand).

"I never thought staff would do such a thing to customers. You take my picture, gossip about me, and even talk about a condo ... what, are you following us?"

On Friday, Tubtim posted images of her meeting with True Coffee, which brought her a bunch of flowers. She said the staff member who took her picture was a trainee and had left the firm early in the New Year. "I hope all stores can train their staff to ensure they respect people’s privacy," she said.

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