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Sunday 24 July 2016

Mother knows best, Newclear's wedded bliss, Boom told to shoo

Web star embroiled in tussle over cash

Nat and his Mum

VJ Four
A young man whose mother has accused him of stealing 1.2 million baht says he still loves the VJ he met through the internet app which received a portion of the funds.

As a result, his mother, who had earlier threatened him with legal action if he refused to call off the relationship, has now decided to lay formal charges of theft against him.

Lovestruck Ayutthaya man Rapheepatchara "Nat" Sirasitdamrongkit, 28, late last week came out to defend VJ Four, a star of the internet app iShow, after she went before the media to insist she did not dupe him of his family inheritance.

VJ Four, who goes by the Facebook name VJ Four Suaymaisrang, but has declined to give her full name, insisted Nat had sent her only 481,870 baht of the funds, which he claimed were his earnings as the family breadwinner.

That included almost 100,000 baht as a down payment on her new car, and 261,000 baht on the internet app. She did not know he had in fact taken the money from his mother.

On Tuesday Nat's mother, Sirikan, 53, a local shopkeeper, went to police after she discovered 1.2 million baht had gone missing from her account. While she fingered VJ Four as being implicit, she did not lay a formal complaint against her, as she suspected her son had given it to her out of foolish infatuation.

She found Nat had been splashing out cash on the iShow app, where members chat live to VJs and buy them tokens which can be redeemed for money. Earlier, he had turned up at the family home with VJ Four in tow, and told his mother they were seeing each other.

TV cameras showed Ms Sirikan admonishing her son at Sera police station, where she laid her complaint. After initially refusing to apologise, Nat eventually changed his mind, and prostrated himself at his mother's feet.

After the apology, Ms Sirikan opted to leave a formal record of what happened, with instructions to police that they should upgrade the complaint to formal charges in seven days if her son was to make contact with the girl again.

On Thursday Nat showed more of his earlier defiant streak, telling the media he gave VJ Four the money willingly and never accused her of being part of a plot.

"I have never claimed she took the whole amount, as I spent some on myself, and nor did I claim she tried to con me out of it. I am not upset with my mother, but I can't get over VJ Four," he said.

After Nat went public with those remarks, his mother took him to Sera police again on Friday to make good on her earlier threat to charge him if he refused to call it off with the girl. News reports said Ms Sirikan looked worn and haggard, while her son refused to talk to her.

Nat said he started playing on iShow late last year, after his father died. Upon his death, an insurance payment of three million baht was deposited into his mother's account, to which he had access. His mother said the money was intended as inheritance for their three children.

Nat also denied earlier reports that VJ Four had dumped him by the roadside in Pathum Thani after she heard his mother was laying the complaint. "We were on a trip to Pattaya. I didn't want to face my mother so asked her to leave me at the market in Rangsit," he said.

VJ Four had invited Nat to Pattaya where she also bought a new model Civic. Nat had sent her 100,000 baht to help with the deposit, which she repaid when his mother complained.
After meeting on the internet app, the couple started chatting on Facebook, and Line. They met three or four times before Nat's mother laid the complaint.

VJ Four said Nat had sent money to many other girls on the app, not just her. He quickly earned a reputation as the man with the "fat wallet". She told him many men sent her gifts through the app, not just him. She denied dating him for the money.

Ms Sirikan said she is charging her son with theft to set an example.

"He bought redeemable icons on the app every day for the girls, many times a day. Each time he would spend 10,000-30,000 baht, some days 60,000 baht," she said.

"I regret loss of money keenly. Authorities should take a look at that app, as it preys on people with loose morals like my son who can end up spending a fortune."

The company behind the app, iShow Entertainment, says it willing to work with police and talk to Ms Sirikan's family. -

Petjah makes up for naughtiness

Newclear, DJ Petjah get wed
Actress Hansa "Newclear" Jungviwattanawong says she is delighted after her long-term boyfriend made up for an earlier disloyal patch with a lavish wedding.

Her long-time love, Wichian "DJ Petjah" Kusolmanomai, known for springing surprises on his partner, arranged the wedding at a Bangkok photography studio, inviting over 100 guests, dancers and singers, all without her knowledge.

The studio was done up as Princess Elsa's ice castle from the Disney movie Frozen, one of her favourites.

Newclear was conned into turning up at the studio after her sister, who was part of the wedding plot, asked her to visit to clear up a supposed row with her boyfriend.

When Newclear walked in, the studio was in darkness. A drum roll started, someone called her name, and a spotlight trained on her.

Cheerleaders and male dancers appeared, one of whom gave her a crown to wear.

When the curtains parted, Newclear found 100 friends and family, lined up along a red carpet, waiting to cheer her on against a wedding backdrop which read "You are my princess".

Friends helped a teary Newclear into a white dress and applied make-up to her face.
Petjah went down on bended knee to propose, and presented her with a ring.

"I didn't waste time, but jumped straight into his arms and accepted immediately. I will remember this day the rest of my life," she enthused on social media.

The lavish wedding caps a turbulent year in which Newclear earlier declared their six-year relationship at an end, after Petjah misbehaved at a social function.

Petjah won her back again with a series of public appeasement rituals in which he sent flowers and balloons, dressed in a bear suit, and asked the frontman of a pop group she loves to croon her a song, I am Sorry.

The pair, who recently finished work on a 100 million baht bridal home, aim to get formally married late next year. -

Fitness centre dispute comes to a head

Boom, Janie
Actress Janie Tienphosuwan has given her estranged tenant in a city fitness complex, actress Panadda “Boom” Wongphudee, two months to leave after she refused to pay the rent.

Earlier, Boom said she would rather tear down the 10 million baht complex which she helped build, she is so sick of their business dispute.

The row started after Boom complained on social media about the parking at the shared site in the Kaset Nawamin Rd area, Lat Phrao district. Boom's husband runs the Smash gym, while Janie's side runs 911 by JT.

The row has escalated since, with Janie complaining Boom has refused to pay any rent, and offers services to customers which double up with those of other tenants.

While Boom put up the investment capital in what was initially a three-way venture, Janie effectively took over as landlord when she bought the shares of their third partner.

Boom last month offered to walk away if Janie paid her the 3 million baht building cost. 

However, Boom said the other side has now come up with a list of eight conditions.

"One says I must go before the media, thank Janie for the money, and apologise. I won't do it," Boom said.

"I'd like to throw away the B3m, knock over the building and be done with it. Why not talk the problem through? You can't buy a person's honour," she grumbled.

Janie said on Friday she had now sent Boom's side a notice formally cancelling their contract, which means she would have to return the space she rents. She has given Boom two months, but Boom is asking for five.

"If she was willing to pay rent, power and the amenity fee like my other tenants, she could stay on, but she's not," she said.

The row continues.

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