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Saturday 30 April 2016

STORM IN A HANDBAG, Stretching the truth, a dead story

Actress 'left items in Singapore'

Actress Pechaya "Min" Wattanamontri has no hard feelings over the Hermes bag saga in which she was accused of bringing 10 of the high-priced bags in from overseas by dodging duty at the airport.

Speaking to reporters last week for the first time since the saga broke, Min confirmed she bought the bags on a two-day business trip to Singapore, but said she brought only one of them back with her to Bangkok on her return flight.

The others are still in Singapore, where she will retrieve them when time allows.
The saga started when Min posted an image of herself on Instagram surrounded by boxes of the high-end bags with the message "My birthday present from me!"

Amid wild talk of double standards at customs control, netizens quickly asked if she declared the items, and whether airport staff waived her through because she was an actress.

The fuss reached customs chief Kulit Sombatsiri, who ordered staff to call in the actress for a chat. However, he said airport staff saw her come back with only one item, and denied she was afforded any special privileges. Asked why she didn't come forward sooner, Min said she has been filming a lakorn (soap opera) in Khao Yai and was out of reach.

She has yet to respond to the customs invitation.

"I don't expect any privileges, and abide by the same rules as anyone else," she said. She bought the items on a two-hour shopping trip, and opened them at her hotel room where the picture was taken. She came back with just one bag through Don Mueang airport because she was pressed for time.

Min, who turned 28 last week, denies she has hard feelings over Thais’ claims she dodged customs duty, though admits she was taken aback by the amount of heat the saga generated. "It's a birthday present which has caused me to grow up another step," she said. -

DJ Plakung comes clean

DJ Plakung
A city DJ has apologised for deceiving netizens with a clip which appears to refer to sex but in fact is a hidden promotion for a new type of motorcycle tyre liner.

Worachat "DJ Plakung" Tamwijin, of Hotwave radio, came clean last week after leaving the media guessing for five days after the clip first went viral.

In it, a man calls a woman and apologises for not wearing protection, supposedly when they last had sex. "I promise I won't ejaculate inside you again," he appears to say (mai taek kang nai). He pledges to do better next time by wearing a rubber, to which she replies: "P'Kung, are you sure you'll feel anything?"

His partner says she has warned him many times, but he pays no heed.

After media reports identified Plakung as the man in the clip, he left a message on social media asking for time to compose a response.

Five days later when he called in the media, he surprised them by joining female dancers in a sexy promotion to unveil a high-tech inner liner for a motorcycle tyre.

Plakung said the supposed sex chat was actually a "viral clip" intended to shock consumers and draw attention to the product.

The vulgar reference to taek kang nai actually referred to air leaking inside the tyre. The manufacturers say when the tyre is pierced, the air releases more slowly than from conventional tyres.

"For those who thought I was referring to condoms and have caused them some embarrassment, could I offer an apology," he said.

"I don't know if you could say I was exploiting the media for commercial gain, but I know that on social media it's hard to make people believe in anything anymore," he added, explaining why he agreed to take part in the campaign.

Plakung said while he admired the product, he didn't feel good about hoodwinking the public and pledged not to carry out such deceptive marketing again. -

Mother death claims 'exaggerated'

Actor and singer Somphong "Eed" Kunapratom is complaining to police after a website claimed falsely his mother had killed herself because he failed to visit over Songkran.

Eed visited Technology Crime Suppression Division police last week after a website falsely impersonating a Thai newspaper claimed his foster mother in Kalasin had hanged herself because he was an uncaring son.

The supposed news story has an accompanying image of a woman hanging by the neck. It names the woman and gives her address, but Eed says the details do not tally with the truth.
Eed said his mother had called asking about the story, which had caused alarm in her home village.

"I was in Singapore, but someone sent me the story. I have never had a foster mother, just a real mother, and people who know me, know I look after my mum well," he said.

"You shouldn't joke about matters concerning my mother. Why not put your computer skills to better use?" he said of the culprit. Police are investigating.

Meanwhile, an actress has outed a male admirer on social media who offered her 520,000 baht a month to be his kept woman.

Diana "Dai" Jongjintanakarn last week left a stiff message for her admirer, who she named in a social media post. She also published details of their online chat.
Dai said his offer to hire her as a concubine on a six-month contract was insulting.

"I am saddened ... this kind of offer shows no manners or respect. I have deleted you. This message is also intended for those who send pictures of their private parts ... you can stop it now, because it's just too sad!" she wrote.

Under the offer, her admirer asks if he could look after Dai for six months. In return for the money, she must meet him five times a month, for three hours a time.

One Thai who responded to the news says Dai should think twice before rejecting the proposal, as she could put the money to good use.

"That works out at 104,000 baht a time, or 34,666 baht an hour ... I don't mean to be pessimistic, but this guy is probably old and it won't be long before he dies a horrible death.

"Play with him twice, that should be enough, and take the rest of the money and donate it to the poor. There are plenty of kids out there whose parents have no money to send them to school," he said.

Police say the chat on the face of it offends the Computer Crimes Act, though Dai has yet to make a complaint.

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