Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday, 17 June 2012


RS superstar Rattapoom "Film'' Tokongsub says he knows the identity of the man who fathered the child an actress claims is his.

"I know who it is. It's all been clear since I went to court to discuss my dispute with the child's mother. In court, no one can lie,'' he told reporters late last week.

"The real father has now owned up,'' Film said, while declining to reveal his name. "I think most people now know who it is. I suggest you compare the child's features with the men who have previously been associated with the mother,'' he said.

In September, 2010, little-known actress Rungnapa "Annie'' Brook claimed she gave birth to Film's unwanted son, Tekayu, then aged three months.

Film refused to acknowledge he was the father until she submitted the child's DNA to a paternity test. Annie refused, and both sides took each other to court.

The two sides announced in February that they had settled their dispute. One condition of the deal, brokered in court, is that neither side refer to the other.

Film says Annie starting undoing the settlement when she appeared on television last week to discuss life as a single mum.
The interview prompted Film to complain to journalists that Annie had flouted another condition of the deal that she must remove his name from the birth certificate as the child's father. So far, she had yet to do so, he said.

Film's comments have reignited the paternity saga, with Film also threatening legal action against Annie unless she complies with the court order.

The actress has declined comment since Film threw down his challenge, though has taken part in a pre-recorded interview, set for broadcast on Tuesday, in which she criticises Film for raising the matter of the child's birth certificate.

Unperturbed, Film said Annie had started picking away at the deal herself when she gave her interview earlier in the week.

"I feel sorry for the child. Why are adults treating him this way? When will he finally know who his real dad is? When will they give him any certainty?'' Film said.

Earlier, after Annie's initial interview, Film said he was fed up waiting for Annie to remove his name as father of the child.

"I'm annoyed that while the other party can find time to appear on a TV show, she has yet to comply with the court's order to remove my name as the father,'' he said.

Film said he had suffered in silence as a scapegoat and public villain.

"I have waited a long time for her to clear this up, and am getting fed up. I want to get on with my career,'' he said. "We set a time, but she fails to turn up. My work is suffering.''

Film denied reports that Annie had offered to remove his name from the birth register, but he had yet to act.

"It's not true. The truth is that I've had to put up with this for long enough. When I speak the truth, she races off to the media, sowing confusion. She's trying to discredit me,'' he said, adding he could take legal action if the other side failed to comply with the court order.

Later in the week, Film said Annie's side had now made contact with his music label RS Promotion. He was confident the dispute would make progress.

Under the terms of the settlement, communication between Film and Annie must go through a third party.

The Friends of Women Foundation's Women Rights Protection Centre acted for Annie when she took action against RS Promotion as part of the paternity dispute.

Both sides withdrew defamation complaints against the other as part of the settlement.

Centre head Supensri Pungkoaksung said last week Annie had advised RS Promotion on two occasions that she was willing to meet at the district office to withdraw Film's name from the birth certificate.

"On the first occasion, she was tied up with work overseas and couldn't make it. She has now offered to withdraw his name a second time, but the other side has yet to get back to her,'' she said. -


A-list star Patcharapa "Aum'' Chaichuea has eliminated two of her friends as the mysterious Mr Rolex - her new boyfriend whose identity she is trying to keep under wraps. Last month, Aum revealed she was seeing someone, but would not reveal his name.

She published a picture of herself at an eatery in the company of friends, including her new man. Her male companion is sitting beside her and only his hand - wearing a Rolex watch _ and a leg are visible.
The entertainment industry's most eligible female catch said she had no intention of revealing his name as she has with her previous loves, as it could put pressure on the relationship.

"We are in the same group of friends, so we clicked,'' she said.

Journalists are still keen to know his identity, and have now presented Aum with the names of two men with whom she has been seen.

They asked Aum about rumours that she was seeing businessman Pithan "Amp'' Ongkorsit, and that he had stopped seeing his present girlfriend so he could be with Aum.

Aum said if her friend Amp had a girlfriend, it was news to her.

"I've never seen him in the company of a woman, but if it's true, I'm pleased for him. At the very least, I know he's not gay,'' she joked.

As for the other name - businessman Nattapon Chulangkoon - Aum said the two had known each other for more than 10 years.

"We've never gone out. We're just old friends,'' she said, urging reporters not to dig too deeply into her friends' lives. -


Tomboy singer Matanawee "Zee'' Keenan, hit by a van last month as she was heading to a temple to make merit, says just crossing the road now fills her with dread.

Zee underwent cranial surgery, and surgery for a broken left clavicle, after being hit by the van outside Wat Pathum Wanaram in Bangkok on May 27.

The RS Promotion singer left hospital on Tuesday, and headed straight to the temple to make merit as she had attempted to do on the day of the accident.

This time, she crossed the road to the temple without incident, though it wasn't an easy journey.

"I'm scared when I cross the road. I'm even anxious on behalf of my friends. When they came to see me in hospital I urged them not to cross the road, even if it's at a zebra crossing.

"We only have to make one false step, and we could have an accident,'' she told reporters at the temple.

Asked why she didn't go home to recover from her injuries before visiting the temple, Zee said she wanted to complete the journey she had started on the day of her accident.

"I stood in the Police General Hospital building, facing the temple, and thought I'd like to make merit to bring myself good fortune, and expel my bad karma,'' she said.

Zee said she expects to return to work in three to four weeks. "I'm looking forward to spending time with mum at home,'' she said. -

Pong, Kaew
Singer and actress Jarinya "Kaew'' Sirimongkolsakul might have to wait a bit longer before actor Nawat "Pong'' Kulrattanarak starts calling her his girlfriend, as promised.

Pong, 33, a notorious Romeo, promised earlier this year that when Kaew turns 20, as she does next Friday, he would finally anoint her as his girlfriend.

The pair, who met in July last year, have gone out together for months with little sign from Pong that he would finally put Kaew out of her misery and declare himself as her love.

Reporters asked Pong about his promise this week after news emerged that Kaew had bought him a Mickey Mouse T-shirt as a present.

"It's nothing ... it's common for two people who like each other to exchange gifts,'' he said.

Asked if he would deliver on his promise to start calling Kaew his girlfriend, now that she is of age, Pong said he didn't want to be too hasty. "It's not as if you sit down and consider whether this is the right time to start using that word,'' he said.

"Both sides would have to agree, not just one. These things don't happen overnight. We'll just take it gradually,'' he said.

"I don't want to start seeing someone, only for the relationship to end. That makes both sides look bad. We don't have to make a big deal of declaring we're an item. That just adds pressure.''

He would not be drawn on what birthday present he intended to buy for Kaew, saying only that she shouldn't expect too much from him.

"I'm no good at surprises,'' he said.

Kaew said she didn't want to rush Pong into making the girlfriend declaration, even though her 20th birthday is approaching. "Setting that as our goal looks too calculated,'' she said, adding she was content to let time take its course.

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