Who is Mae Moo?

Monday 14 December 2009


Pa Top and Peemai
An actress has put to one side her interest in men to declare she will marry a wealthy woman instead.

However, Sumonrat "Peemai" Wattanaselarat insists it is not money that draws her to millionaire tomboy Pattinya "Pa Top" Kuantrakul, but love. The two plan to tie the knot next month.

Previously, Peemai dated men.

But since meeting Top six months ago, she has decided that going out with women is more fun. The couple were engaged in Hong Kong last month, and plan to marry at a private ceremony in the Maldives on Jan 12.

Top, who is easily mistaken for a man, boldly planted a kiss on the lips of her betrothed at an industry function, taking 100 assembled reporters by surprise.

Top is a socialite millionaire who likes to shower gifts on her lovers. Media reports say she has bought an Audi sports car for Peemai. While they were courting, she sent her 5,000 baht bunches of flowers every day for a month.

They met on a television show: "I didn't know who she was, but was taken by her eyes. I asked for her number and told her straight away that I was flirting with her," said Top.

Top helps her family run a property business, and owns a chain of bakery stores. Peemai says she is impressed with her lover's capacity for hard work, and her generosity.

Explaining her attraction to Top, Peemai said she hasn't lost interest in men. "But at this time in my life, I'm enjoying life with Top more than I was when I was seeing men. For me, it's not important whether the person I love is a man. I'm more interested in how someone behaves.

"I'm able to look after myself financially, so its not about the money. I'll carry on working."

Top, who has been linked to a string of young women, and was once married to an actress, has a reputation for playing around.

She and Peemai went to Hong Kong to celebrate the birthday of Top's father. "We bought each other an engagement ring, but there will be no dowry," said Top.

"I want everyone to see that our relationship is really about love."

Peemai asked Top's father if he could have his daughter's hand in marriage. "Take her!" he said.

Peemai's mother also gave her blessing, but worries about Top's reputation for playing the field. Peemai's mum and Top are the same age.

"When Top met my mum, she complimented her on her appearance. She said: 'You look beautiful, but as it happens, your daughter is prettier.'

"This alarmed my mum, who warned me to beware of Top's flirtatious ways," joked Peemai.

"She warned me that heartbreak with a woman would be much worse than with a man, so I must be careful."

Top's first wife was actress Wanwipa "Bee" Yokakul. The two married six years ago, and were together for three years.

"We are still friends," said Bee. "When she falls in love, she puts everything into it. She bought the same gifts for me as she has bought for Peemai, including the Audi and a small dog, which is with me to this day."

Media reports say news of the engagement and pending marriage has left Peemai's male suitors in shock.

At the Pantip webboard, one Thai leapt straight to the point, calling on readers to vote on whether Peemai is going out with Top for love, or for money. At the time of writing, 379 say money; just 67 have voted for love.-

Actress Nusaba "Nooch" Poonakan is wary of men bearing small black boxes.

While shopping at the Paragon department store, she heard a commotion behind her. Moments later, keen-eyed security guards took her to one side to say they had caught a man trying to take pictures of her rear end.

She talked to the store's managers, who persuaded her to lay a complaint with police.

Nusaba and two security guards, accompanied by the man they caught in the store, turned up at Pathumwan police station.

The man with the camera was identified as Prida Kortphankhul, 34, from Nakhon Si Thammarat province.

Police say Mr Prida admitted using a micro-camera, which is no bigger than a Matchbox car, to sneak up on women in department stores, and take pictures of their underwear.

Police found pictures of many women on his 2GB black micro-camera, which he bought in Japan.

He was a fan of Nusaba, so when he spotted her in the store decided to take her picture.

Nusaba said she was in two minds about laying a complaint, as she was wearing a tight-fitting pair of jeans, rather than a potentially compromising dress.

Most of his victims were wearing dresses. Mr Prida managed to manoeuver his camera low enough to take pictures of their underwear. He went undetected until the security guards spotted him acting suspiciously.

Authorities persuaded her to take action, as they could ask none of the other women caught on film to act as complainants. All they could see was their underwear.

Police charged Mr Prida with being a pest, fined him 500 baht, and released him. -

Two former sweethearts are now helping each other screen potential suitors on their BlackBerry smart phones, as they reckon they know each other better than most.

Actress Panward "Peuy" Hemmanee, who called off her long-term relationship with singer/actor Anattapol "R" Sirichumsaeng in October, says his chances of making a return are now zero, as they are better as friends. While life as a single girl was painful at first, she is now enjoying the experience.

R, she said, was too young for a serious relationship. No third hand was involved, and the media should stop trying to find fault. She denied media reports that R (winner of the Star 3 talent quest) had acted in an unchivalrous fashion, talking to journalists in her presence about a new woman he had met.

R insisted he was seeing no one special, and that sightings of him with other women were just innocent encounters with friends.

Now that they are mere friends, Peuy (Bangkok Dangerous) and R swap BlackBerry phones to screen each other's suitors.

"Men know that I'm single again, so are approaching me. I have to spend time getting to know them. I don't want to race into a relationship with the first person I meet just to get over heartache," she said.

R was photographed at a city restaurant, spoon-feeding a university student. "I knew about that girl, as R told me; and when I am getting to know anyone romantically, R will know the details.

"We look at each other's phones. R tells me which guys look good, and which ones are likely to be players.

"I didn't scan the one he was pictured with in the restaurant, but R says she is not the right one for him.

"I respect R's decision: if he likes the look of someone, I'll help him decide. If he doesn't, I don't need to waste time checking for him."

R said he is not jealous of Peuy, just worried, as any friend should be.

"I want to see who's showing an interest. But I know that if Peuy decides she has found someone, that he will be the right one for her."

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