Who is Mae Moo?

Monday 21 September 2009

Written in the stars, a really mysterious movie, a storm in a doll's teacup, not what it may seem

Mor Krit
Seer to the stars Mor Krit Confirm has looked into his own future, and taken fright.

The celebrity fortune teller, who is locked in a court battle with R&B singer Saranrat ''Lydia'' Wisutthithada, says he learned he would encounter woman trouble when he read his own stars.

''I check my own stars constantly, and told journalists before this row erupted that I would encounter a court case over a woman, concerning pregnancy.

''I asked myself how I could end up making someone pregnant, as I do not carry on in such a disreputable manner.

''I was so nervous that if a woman came to me wanting her stars read privately, I refused to accept the job. I didn’t want to be alone with a woman, as I would rather protect myself.

''I realised my forecast had come true when the case involving Lydia came along.’

Lydia is suing Mor Krit (Sukrit Patumsriwiroj) for 50 million baht after he forecast incorrectly that she was pregnant.

She says the forecast damaged her reputation, as it led to speculation that she had fallen pregnant to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a family friend, and travelled to Malaysia for an abortion.

Mor Krit is fighting back with lawsuits of his own against Lydia and her boyfriend, worth 100 million baht.

He is suing to recover his dignity, after Lydia kept talking about their dispute in public, and Matthew told journalists that Mor Krit was a sham.

In the Criminal Court this week, Mor Krit gave testimony to back his lawsuit.

''I confirmed she was pregnant, based on her stars, but I never said she was a minor wife, or that she obtained an abortion.''

Urging the parties to make another attempt to settle, the court has called Mor Krit and Lydia together again on Friday. Should the talks fail, the court will rule whether to accept Mor Krit’s defamation suit on Oct 2. -


Nathan Oman, the former singer who claims Hollywood has hired him to appear in a blockbuster, is holing up with a southern singing star until the fuss over whether he is actually a con artist passes over.

Country music singer Ekachai Sriwichai, who like Nathan hails from the South, says he offered Nathan a place to stay because he sympathises with his plight. He also wanted to speak to a fellow southerner in the native dialect.

''I knew he was sitting in a condo all alone as he deals with the publicity.

''I don’t judge Nathan on what appears in the media, and nor have I asked him about the film. I feel sorry for him, and wanted him near so we can speak in the southern dialect,'' says Ekachai, who reckons journalists are too keen to dig up scandal.

In July, Nathan told the media he had spent the past six months in the Arabian desert, acting in The Prince of Red Shoe, a blockbuster directed by Wolfgang Peterson for 20th Century Fox.

He claims he is getting 100 million baht for the three-part adventure fantasy which is based on his own life.

On webboards, Thais questioned his claims, saying they could find no trace of the film, which supposedly stars Bruce Willis and Nina Ricci. Journalists have also tracked down members of Nathan’s family, who insist he was raised in the South, and is not part-Nepalese as he claims.

''I have seen what the media says – that he is a fraud, a swindler – but I want to ask what good comes out of it. Assuming he is what they say, who benefits from the scrutiny if he has done no one any harm?'' says Ekachai.

''He’s not the prime minister. You have no right to go digging up his past. Everyone has done something wrong which they would like to keep hidden. Let time be the judge.''

Nathan is also embroiled in conflicts with friends who say they owe them money. They have laid a complaint with police, who have summoned the former singing star for questioning.

In the latest issue of WHO magazine, Nathan responds to his critics, saying no one knows him as well as he does himself, and one day the truth will out.

''When the film is finally released, I know what will happen – everyone will say, ‘Oh, I knew it couldn’t be like they said...’

''But in the meantime, who is around to console me or give me moral support when I really need it? This is a life lesson which I shall never forget.'' -


Actress/presenter Sudarat ''Tookie'' Bootprom is back in the Blythe doll family, after two fellow collectors asked an emissary to smooth over claims that their doll house was divided.

Media reports accused actress Araya ''Chompoo'' A Hargett, who owns a shop selling the imported Goth-like dolls, and actress Pattaratida ''Tangmo'' Patcharaveerapong, of shunning Tookie as a potential member of their Blythe doll fanclub.

Blythe dolls, which can sell for as much as 10,000 baht each, are popular among the celebrity set.

Journalists confronted Chompoo and Tangmo with the rumours. The friends denied they set their face against Tookie joining their ''gang'' of Blythe doll collectors.

According to the reports, they conspired to shut her out of their doll’s house because she is too ugly.

After the reports appeared, Chompoo and Tangmo asked a friend to clear the air with Tookie, who accepts the pair never said such hurtful words.

‘Thais might feel sorry for me because of my looks, but I know those girls never said such a thing. I still enjoy collecting the dolls, and have just ordered another three of them,’ says Tookie. -

Miss Thailand World 2004 Nikallaya ''Ya'' Abdul (Nikallaya Dulaya) has laid a complaint with police after a porn movie went on sale bearing a picture of herself wearing her prize gown.

The CD is selling in Had Yai, close to where her parents live.

''A guy I know was passing through, and found a copy of the film, which he sent me by post. It is indeed me on the cover, but not me inside, as I have never made such films,'' she said while laying her complaint with Hua Mark police in Bangkok.

Ya suspects someone took a picture of her and put it on the cover to trick buyers into thinking she appears in the film as well. She considers herself lucky they did not digitally alter the picture to take off her clothes as well.

''It’s bad for my reputation. I have just made a tourist promotion for Thailand. People could think I make porn as well,'' she said.

After talking to her family, she decided to lay a complaint, just in case the film surfaces anywhere else.

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