Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 14 August 2016


Three's a crowd


Nong Pam gets the boot, above and left

A "pretty" girl product presenter is apologising to the public after she forced a young woman to leave her condo naked when she discovered her and her boyfriend having sex.

Wiralak "Manao" Sutthiprapa, 24, a former Miss Maxim model, is facing police charges after she forced the woman, "Nong Pam" from her Huai Khwang condo early on July 31.

Moments before she had walked in unexpectedly as her boyfriend, Tanuthun "Tong" Thalann, was making love to Pam on their couch. Manao is in trouble after she filmed the girl’s subsequent eviction from her condo on her smartphone, and the clip found its way onto the internet.

The clip shows Pam, who media reports identified as a sideline girl (a sex worker who sells her services online), fleeing into the pair’s bedroom as Manao confronts her boyfriend.

Manao eventually orders Tong to call the girl out. Pam comes out reluctantly, clutching a bedspread around her body. Manao orders her to drop it, at which point viewers discover she is naked. Undeterred, Manao orders her out of the condo and tells Pam she will publish the clip on the internet as punishment.

With Manao’s phone camera still running, Tong is seen tossing Pam's clothes to her as she cowers in front of the lift. Other than that, he does not go to her aid.

Pam, a student, on Monday laid a complaint with local police and the Technology Crime Suppression Division against Manao.

Police charged Manao with coercion, damaging Pam's reputation, insulting her, and causing her public shame. At the time of writing they were planning to take her to Phra Nakhon district court to answer the charges.

As Thais rounded on Manao for the humiliating treatment, the presenter went before the media to apologise, while insisting she did not release the clip on the internet. She claims her phone went missing about the same time.

She admits sending it to a few friends when they asked her about the incident, which police said is itself against the law.

"I made the clip not to humiliate Pam but to pressure my boyfriend should he try such antics again," she said. She had offered to apologise to Pam.

The former model told Pam to drop the duvet because she slept in it with her boyfriend every night. "I didn’t know she had failed to protect her modesty. If it was me I would have tried to put something on," she said.

‘‘I saw with my own eyes her making love to my boyfriend. If it had been you, would you just have stood there?’’ she asked the media in a defiant moment.

‘‘Tong brought her home to my place for sex. It was insulting. I have quit with him because I can't tolerate what he did ... but everyone is asking me to give me a break.’’

Tong, who gave evidence to police as a witness, denies having sex with Pam. He claims she and a male friend had stayed the night. The friend had left quietly while they were asleep and what followed next was a "misunderstanding".

Pam, who denies being a sideline girl, said the clip had ruined her reputation and threatened to do Manao harm as well. She wanted Manao to apologise to her face. Her mother was in shock after hearing about the incident. She regrets going to see Tong that night.
The case is continuing. -

2. Mit's multimillion-dollar loan fiasco

Likay performer Mit Mitchai has lost the first battle in a fraud dispute in which his former lover accused him of taking up to 35 million baht for a business venture which failed to materialise.

The Thanyaburi court in Pathum Thani last week sentenced Mit, 21, brother of well-known likay performer Chaiya "A" Mitchai and a likay performer in his own right, to six years in jail and ordered him to repay 27 million baht.

The court found his former lover, Ranchida "Pui" Sithadechanon, who is in the motor industry, lent him the money as an investment to further his career, not because she succumbed to his charms as he claimed.

Earlier, in comments to the media, Mit admitted receiving up to 20 million baht from his former lover over their 12-month secretive relationship, but insists she gave the money out of affection and cannot expect it back.

Pui, who said she went into debt to raise the funds, said Mit had asked her for the money to start a likay troupe, a likay online venture, and a music video. She said none of the ventures came to fruit because Mit frittered away the money on good living.

The court released Mit on two million baht bail.

Hailing the verdict, Pui's lawyer said it stretched the bounds of credibility that Pui would part with so much money when the couple had been together just 12 months.

Mit’s lawyer said his client, who has declined media comment, intends to appeal. -

3. Rit stands his ground

Rit, Noey
A pilot facing censure from his family after falling in love with a sexy singer has stood up for her virtue.

Pilot Rit Karchai, elder brother of singer Pitt from the band C-Quint, said he loves Warattha "Noey" Imraporn and wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

The news won't be welcome to the members of his family who spoke anonymously to the media earlier this month about their dislike of Noey.

They claimed Noey, of the band Neko Jump, and a Playboy model, was unsuited to Rit, and threatened to cut him out of the family inheritance if he married her. The two plan to wed early next year.

While not commenting on his family's stance, Rit insisted Noey was well-mannered and a good person, despite claims in the media.

"Speaking as the one who knows her best these days, I can confirm 100% that Noey is a woman with dignity and who was brought up by a good family who taught her well.

"She is the woman I love most, including her family as well. I love this woman and intend to be with her for the rest of my life,’’ he declared.

With that done, the couple told their social media followers they were going on a trip to Iran.

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