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Sunday 12 October 2014

Sek strikes out, a 400cc question, jamie's 'top half'

Assault caught on tape
Injuries pic
Police are calling in rocker Sek Loso to answer his estranged wife’s claims of assault, after she released a clip of him beating her outside their home.

Kannayao police on Friday summoned Sek to appear on Oct 15 to acknowledge charges that he assaulted Wiphakorn "Kan" Sukpimai and damaged her property.

Sek, meanwhile, has lodged court action seeking 200 million in damages against Kan — plus an extra 2.5 million for releasing the clip, which he says was intended to damage his name.

Releasing the clip on social media on Thursday, Kan thanked two family members for taking it, but denies she put them up to the task.

The clip shows Kan and the couple’s child, Kwang, outside their home in Bang Khen. Kan tells Sek she has come to retrieve some of Kwang’s belongings. Sek said he was willing to let the girl in alone, but the couple argue.

Scene at the fence
He throws a cardboard box at her from behind their iron-rung fence. Eventually he opens the gate, only to strike his wife across the face, in full view of the child.
Two of Kan’s family members, who can be heard in the clip, are filming the row from across the road. Sek charges toward their vehicle, but they are able to get away in time.

Kan visited Kannayao police later the same night to flesh out a complaint she made the week before, which accuses Sek of threatening and assaulting her.

Earlier in the week she released pictures of herself with a bruised lip, which she said stemmed from an earlier unprovoked attack on her, when Sek thumped her while she slept at home.

"Here’s an example of Sek’s handiwork. Does society really regard this as acceptable, as just a family matter?" she asked.

She was responding to Sek’s comments when, asked by a reporter, the rocker admitted assaulting her, but brushed off such incidents as commonplace between husband and wife.

In his defamation action filed with the Min Buri court on Thursday, Sek is forced to admit the videotaped Sept 2 assault outside the couple’s home took place, but said he stuck his wife "lightly", and only after she provoked him.

He said Kan intended to incite him into anger so she could film the altercation to discredit him.
The rocker is also taking legal action against the deputy director of the Thanyarak Institute in Pathum Thani, Angun Pataragorn, who treated Sek for his hard drugs addiction almost three years ago. Sek is angry after Kan escorted him to the couple’s home last month to retrieve his gun.

In an interview last week, Sek accused Dr Angun — who is now counter-suing Sek for defamation — of breaking into his home.

"I shut myself in the studio, and called one of my soldier friends for help, as I am sure the doctor wanted to grab me and give me one of his injections," Sek said. "If I had taken my gun down with me I would have shot the lot of them."

Sek said he has no problem if doctors want to test his urine for drugs, but they must make an appointment first. He denies reverting to his drug habit of old.

Kannayao police say they are also likely to take action against Sek under the Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act, including the possibility of a restraint order.

If prosecutors argue Sek was under the influence at the time of the attack, they could ask the court for an order placing him in rehab. Sek has asked Kannayao police to transfer his case file, as he is not confident they will treat him fairly.

Meanwhile, responding to Sek’s defamation complaint, the Min Buri court said it would call in both parties for an initial hearing in December. -

Baitoey's breast intentions

Sexy singer and actress Suteewan "Baitoey" Thaveesin is pondering getting her breasts enlarged, though if she goes ahead she will make sure she charges her boyfriend for the privilege.

Shortly after they started seeing each other, Baitoey’s boyfriend, actor and DJ Pattanapol "Man" Kunchorn Na Ayutthaya, had offered her money to get her breasts done. Baitoey was not amused.

"We almost split up over it, I was so shocked. My previous boyfriends have all been happy with every part of me, but this one wanted me to get bigger breasts! I might have to ask him for 200,000 baht and make sure that he pays for a beautiful job!" she said.

She would like to get the implants done in time for a modelling shoot she plans for Playboy magazine. Baitoey said the concept is sexy, farang-style. She will appear on a man’s bed, clad in stockings and pyjamas.

"I have asked my recording label for permission. I haven’t asked P’Man yet though," she said.

Baitoey said she has found a clinic in Thong Lor where she can get 400cc implants put in for 100,000 baht each. However, she wants to make sure the filler is good quality and that her life will improve as a result.

"One of my friends was a fine singer, but when she had her nose done her voice turned bad," she said.

"Before I do it I will have to consult an expert on huang jui [feng shui]. My life is going OK, and I don’t want my breast job to change it for the worse. Our bodies are all huang jui points, our chests even more. It’s like a house frontage. We have to look after it." -

Calendar shoot to bare all

Veteran actress Jamie Bouher is making the most of her new larger breast size, charging a modelling fee of 1.2 million baht for an upcoming sexy calendar in which she will appear bare-chested.

Jamie says she has had 400cc implants put in, and now feels like a new person. She intends celebrating by accepting an offer to appear bare-chested in a sexy calendar, though she is still wary of jibes that she already shows off too much.

The actress was forced to apologise twice in July after she appeared at industry functions wearing too little. 

She swore off short dresses after she failed to take precautions at one outing, revealing the "petal between her legs", as news reports put it. Earlier, a dress she wore to the Siam Dara Star awards was also criticised for being too raunchy.

"I feel like a new person with my implants, though in the first week they hurt so much I felt like I had been run over by a truck," she said.

"Now if you put a man’s hand on my breast it would fail to cover it. It didn’t take me long to decide, as I have wanted larger breasts since a child, only I was too scared.

"When I put on clothes they look prettier, and I feel proud of myself when I go out. If I open up below the waist, I don’t feel so safe, because so many people criticise me. So I decided to do my breasts and expose my top half, like so many others are doing.

"However, I intend dressing more sensibly from now on, so people attack me less," she said, adding the calendar work would be an exception.

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