Who is Mae Moo?

Sunday 5 July 2009

Chestplay, Credit risk, Likay Beat, Onyabike

Aum, Woody
"May you have bad dreams tonight."

With that, brassy actress Patcharapa "Aum" Chaichuea took a male TV host's hand and clamped it on her breast.

Interviewing superstar Aum at a city function, host Wootithorn "Woody" Milintajinda had just asked her if she has fake bosoms. Aum, who insists they are natural rather than implants, guided his hand onto her chest.

Woody looked shocked, but gave them a feel. We don't know what he thought. On the internet, some Thais say she went too far.

"She sets a bad example to the young," one critic sniffed.

"I bet they felt like cement," another said. "It still doesn't prove they are real."

Asked about the stormy reaction on webboards, Aum maintained Woody never actually touched her "foremost" area, as one Thai gossip rag joked, borrowing the English.

"My breasts are down here," she said, pointing. "I guided his hand to my chest, but he touched me above them. I was shocked when I saw still pictures of us together, because it does look as if he made breast contact. But those who were present at the show knew we were just having fun."

Aum says still shots of her standing while Woody kissed her cheek were also misleading - he ducked out of that one, too.

"I offered him my cheek for a cheek sniff [Thai kiss], but he didn't take it. What's wrong with you, Woody?" she joked about the TV host, who is also a personal friend.

Asked if men look at her breasts when they meet her, Aum says that's only natural, as she checks out their groin area, too. It's just what people do.

Among her critics, Aum is also under fire for seeing two men at once. She can't decide between actor/model Sina "Todd" Oonthornphan, her former boyfriend, and socialite Kornwat "Note" Chaiwirawat, her new love interest.

"I want to keep them both," she said.

However, Note could do worse than following Todd's example, when he has fallen out with the mighty Aum and wants to get back in her good books.

One time when Todd wanted to appease the outspoken one, he bought her 9,000 roses. "I was so impressed, I cried," said Aum. -


She's run a business that went bust, but in good times claims she made a fortune. She's a Muslim woman who looks like a man, and calls herself James. 

She counts among her relatives a Saudi Arabian prince. And now she's accused of defrauding two friends, one of whom she has known for years, of millions of baht.

Crime Suppression Division police have charged interior designer Pathsamapudin "James" Akarawongtrakun, 44, with fraud. She denies it, and is now suing the pair for defamation.

DJ Ubonwan "Tookta" Bunrort, and former actress Chadaporn "Da" Ratanakorn, complained to police, claiming James had saddled them with large debts by running up credit in their names. 

Banks and finance companies are also involved, as they want their money back.

Tookta says James, whom the media calls a "handsome woman", used her identity card to apply for credit, and spent it on items including a Mercedes-Benz.

Out on bail, James went before the media this week to proclaim her innocence, and announce that she was suing the pair for defaming her.

Earlier, the pair referred to her disparagingly as an "18 crown" - a Thai word from the time of King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) - which refers to gambling rogues who covered their bodies in crown-shaped tattoos and fleeced their victims by using canny wiles. James is upset about that remark, as she reckons she is upfront.

"They knew about the spending," she insisted, while adding that she had no need to resort to such petty fraud. "I count among my relatives a Saudi Arabian prince."

James claims that she and Da were much closer than mere friends - a claim Da denies. Da says she lent 1.3 million baht to James after she asked for money to pay back creditors. James, she said, also used her name to buy a Ford car.

For her part, Tookta says she and James met in Chiang Mai seven years ago. James claimed to have once run a business worth hundreds of millions of baht, but lost it all to share fraud.

They were friends for less than a year before she discovered that James had made credit cards in her name, and bought items which she knew nothing about.

Tookta says she has contacted 10 other damaged parties willing to give evidence on her behalf. Da, she says, will call six or seven witnesses of her own. -


"Your success as a performer has hurt my family dearly. Don't go to the police. After all, 50,000 baht is not much - regard it as an investment."

So goes a low-tech extortion letter sent to likay performer/actor Chaiya Mitchai. The sender tells Chaiya he should pay if he wants to ensure his own safety. He was instructed to send a text message (number supplied). He would then be told how to send the money.

"We're prepared to do anything if your refuse."

The author addressed his hand-written demand to the boyish star's old home in Ang Thong province. It demanded payment by the end of last month.

The postman knows that Chaiya, also a drugs campaigner, no longer lives at that address, so takes all his mail down the road to his new place.

Chaiya was at an anti-drugs event when he opened the letter. After calling his mum, he handed the letter over to police, who were also there.

At first he contemplated telling no one, as he feared for his safety. But his mother insisted he seek help.

"I just want people to know that, contrary to what they may think, I am not wealthy. My car is old. In the off-season, I get little work," said Chaiya, when reporters asked him about the letter.

Police, who believe the letter was sent from Chiang Mai, are now checking it for fingerprints.

As the sender has chosen to write the letter by hand - the personal rather than the high-tech approach - their chances of finding the culprit are good. -


Actor and model Ananda Everingham has come off his motorcycle again, but this time managed to do it without serious injury.

In his last well-publicised accident on a Chiang Mai road in November, he shattered his knee and needed surgery.

Thailand's busiest leading man had gone out to fetch some joke (rice porridge), but hit another bike instead.

One media outfit quipped that Ananda should switch jobs and join a Works Department road gang instead, he loves measuring the tarmac so much.

His girlfriend, actress "Jeed" Saengthong Keht-U-Tong still warns Ananda to take care, but won't try forbidding him from getting on the thing.

"He's a man - I can't stop him doing something he loves," she said.

Ananda said he actually comes off the bike often, and reckons this is normal for anyone on wheels.

At the time of the latest publicised accident, he was travelling to see Jeed at her resort in Prachuap Khiri Khan.

"Everything happens very fast when you ride a bike.

"First, I met four or five traffic cones that traffic police had left on the road.

"I collected them. Then the road collected me. Luckily no one was following," he said.

Ananda said he was wearing full protective gear, so sustained a mere elbow scrape.

As for whether he should take heed of Jeed's advice, Ananda said a man can listen to his girl too much.

"It is not good for a man to be scared of his girlfriend. He will tend to mess things up, like me. Better just to treat her words with respect."

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